I challenge you to drink two tablespoons daily and you will reap the rewards. This will boost your metabolism, aid in digestion, reduce bloating, help control hunger, and facilitate weight loss.

Please subscribe so you and your family can stay healthy and happy.

Please share this video with your friends and family. Wishing you and your family many Blessings! ❤️😊🙏 Dr M

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Dave McKinnon

  • B Ann Solis says:

    He is brief and gets to the point fast. I hate health videos where people just ramble on.

    • Liz Tomlinson says:

      Well said. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿👏

    • Luda Crees says:


    • Squada Bingo says:

      I was just thinking how clear and concise this man is speaking.

    • glidercoach says:

      Except what he’s saying is BS.
      This man is a quack doctor.

      Olive oil is liquid calories. 2 tablespoons is 240 calories and 28 grams of fat. Adding this to your diet, without reducing a *significant* amount of calories in your diet, will cause you to *gain* weight… fast. About 25 pounds a year.

      Plus olive oil won’t reduce fat from your belly. Even situps won’t burn fat from your belly. It will make your abdominal muscles stronger, which is a good thing.

      A caloric deficit over time, will eventually burn off the fat around your stomach. Most people will burn the fat around the stomach, when they are getting close to their ideal weight.

    • True Gamer says:

      omg i agree so much, i hate that myself, they always do that to extended the video and sometimes they don’t even tell you the main ingredients they just tell to go to their freaking website and check the results, i call those videos super click baits 🤦🏾‍♂️

  • hbvamp says:

    Love this doctor. He’s thorough, kind and gives free medical advice.

  • سلوى عادل says:

    Thank you Dr. Mandell for all the health advice you provide everyday to humanity. God bless you.

  • Deborah Lacour says:

    Dr Mandell you are just a wonderful man to care about all of us and give us simple foods and strategies to keep us healthy 💜

  • An B. says:

    To sum up @ 3:21
    – 1 tbs of extra virgin olive oil
    – pinch of himalayan salt
    * Should be taken before 1st & last meal.
    * Morning dosage is most important.

  • Predestined Visions Productions Brothers says:

    I can not wait to add this to my daily regimen! Been praying for a miracle

    • Crystal Dorvil says:

      Hey…any update on the regimen? Did this work for you?

    • Alessandro Monderen says:

      @Crystal Dorvil ye I got the same question

    • Frank Rottenberg says:

      I wish you all the best brother. God bless.

    • Clay Wright says:

      I’ve been using olive oil exclusively for years now and still can’t lose the belly fat, even after having changed my diet drastically. I’m afraid there is no “one size fits all” for dieting. On a side note, genetics may play a great deal in weight lose, in conjunction with other factors. Has that been addressed here? Anyway, good luck.

    • Annu Kun says:

      yes sit on your butt all day take this and see your six pack in 3 weeks!!!

  • Vanilla Conover says:

    Dr Mandell is a gift to the world God sent.🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • CeleryStick InMyBloodyMary says:

    Imagine if doctors (and governments) the whole world over would teach, encourage, and promote this lifestyle to the people ❤🙏🏻🥰

    • Tange McLemore says:

      They won’t do it because, the money is in the medicine. If we use natural healings they won’t benefit off the prescribed drugs they continue to get rich off of. Think, most of the prescribed drugs offer more side effects than results, also in some cases just a temporary solution. So you gotta continue to get prescriptions filled

    • Stop The World I Wanna Get Off! says:

      @Tange McLemore Exactly.

    • rustylee68 says:

      ​@Tange McLemoreso true,it’s not in the governments interest to make us healthy,the infrequent health initiatives are just a smoke screen to make it look like they’re trying to help us.
      We all know the pharmaceutical industry make millions from poor health.Thank God for these doctors who are more genuine and care about our health.👏🏽👏🏽

    • Tange McLemore says:

      @rustylee68 Exactly and the sad part is that most of those prescribed drugs are doing more harm than good in a long run, not to mention the prescription drugs that people get hooked on.

  • #1trinialltheway says:

    Starting today on 5/7/23. 195lbs at 5’1…Thank you Dr Mandelle. 🙏🏽❤️

  • Daniel Ferguson says:

    Thank you Doc for this info. I’m fighting bone cancer and seeking helpful ways to chase a better diet and exercise program. You have already given me ways to achieve my better overall health! 💪😎

  • Michael Eckert says:

    Thanks Dr.Mandell. I am always so excited to hear your advice. I’m re incorporating this my routine.Especially in the morning 🌄 😌

  • Prophetic Insights says:

    I live in Greece where many people live past 100. We drink mountain tea and consume a lot of olive oil which is cheap and in abundance. We drink fresh orange and lemon juice. People walk much more here (cars are expensive). Our water comes from the mountains. We also drink red wine (no chemicals) and Tsipora which is often used as a medicine. We eat loads of herbs and eat goat cheese and fish plus loads of tomatoes, onions and cucumbers in our Greek salads. I’m almost 70 and regularly walk the mountains about 15000 steps daily. When I see people from the West who are my age they are often overweight and look ten years older! I fully intend to make 100+ Why not join me?

  • Martha Woodworth says:

    I hesitate to say this, but: Dr. Mandell is better than most regular doctors out there who are either afraid to share nutritional advice with their patients or simply never actually studied it in medical school. We all know that “You are what you eat.” These brief, to the point videos are brilliant. PS I mix Himalayan salt with regular, iodide salt.

  • HappyHealhyHabits says:

    Your program is so much more than just a weight loss solution. You’re transforming lives from the inside out!!!

  • Donna Weetch says:

    A dr that actually gets to the point and helps people without wanting something for you…I respect this man so much ❤

  • Beverly Goetz says:

    Thank you Dr. Mandell for all you do. I can’t wait to start doing this!

  • Janisjustfine says:

    For weight loss/control I’m taking a mixture of: 2 tbsp extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, juice of 1/2 a lemon, 1/4 tsp turmeric, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, and 1/2 tsp manuka honey; I stir well and take this in the morning before breakfast. And I take a tbsp of organic coconut oil before bed. I also brush teeth with coconut oil as well sometimes (but don’t spit this down the sink, it will clog it up, spit in a bottle and pour outside or bin it).

  • GIGI1971 says:

    Hello Dr. Mandell. I’ve recently started watching your videos and found them to be so helpful like many others here. Thank you for taking time to share honest and simple tips for increasing health, weight loss, lowering bad cholesterol, etc. Really appreciate you! I have 2 questions… recently my husband and I have started using your recommended protocol of 1TB olive oil, crushed raw garlic, cayenne pepper, lemon juice and honey as a means of lowering our LDL. My questions are: 1) the crushed garlic sits for 10 minutes before consuming, but if we have more crushed garlic than what we can consume in one of these little “shots”, can we store the crushed garlic in the fridge until needed or will it lose its potency? 2) Can we combine that protocol with the one in this video simply by adding a pinch of himalyan pink salt to the garlic, oo, lemon juice, cayenne, honey mixture to get all the benefits in one? Thanks for your time and help!! Blessings on you.

  • diddlebug72 says:

    Today is September 9 2023 and I started this regimen august 19, 2023. I weighed in at 208 pounds and am now at 190 pounds. I’ve dropped from a size 38 to a 36 in the waist. I’ll have to have 4 holes poked in this new size 38 belt I have. I still have the belly over belt buckle but it is shrinking. This has helped me cut back on food intake too.

    I’m proof this is working. There are some size 38 britches that will be happily donated.

    • SuSpicious#9748 says:

      Okay, I’m sure you did something other than just drinking this regimen. Did you increase your exercise? Change your eating habits? Thanks! 🙂

    • Annamaria S Calderaro-Defina says:

      Wow I know I also have been drinking and eating what Dr. Mandell has been helping us with. I was always bloated and gaining weight from menopause, seriously it’s a miracle it really works

  • Sharma Wade says:

    Happy Friday and God Bless You Dr. Mendel, and To Everyone tuning in. I just took my 1st dose of 💯% Olive Oil and Pink Himalayan Salt. I will be monitoring the loss of belly fat starting today Sept 15, 2023 and share my progress on Oct. 15, 2023.

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