1 Cup…Your Lungs & Respiratory Tract Will Love You | Dr Alan Mandell, DC

Thyme is one the best healing medicinal herbs for your lungs and respiratory system. It helps fight respiratory infections and is a natural expectorant that serves as an antiseptic and helps expulse mucus. It's also good for soothing coughs and fighting nasal congestion. This simple elixir will make a big difference helping you breathe much easier and more productive.

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Dave McKinnon

  • motivationaldoc says:

    Starting this daily would be helpful. It’s best to see how this interacts with your system. If you continue to do well you can up it to two times daily. Every respiratory condition is different, so you have to find out what works best for you. Many of you will get fast results. That’s what I’m hoping for. Blessings to everyone. Dr M 😊

  • HawkFeed News says:

    thanks for teaching this to western people.. in India, these spices& herbs have been used by households since many many thousands of years, millions of people use these herbs and spices in their daily meals.. Ginger, turmeric, thyme, cinnamon, clove, you just cant cook food without these spices in India 😀

  • Mr Brisco says:

    Straight to the point in less than 5 minutes. No gimmicks No sales pitch. Thank you Dr. ✌🏽

  • Jordan O'Neill says:

    not trying to sell anything, not blabbering on, straight to the point and clearly passionate about the subject matter. man oh man i wish there were more channels like this!


    It is so great to have a trustworthy doctor give us great recipes and advice to help us heal our bodies naturally, instead of using the poisonious drugs that the pharma companies want to kill us with! Thank you so much, Dr. Mandel!

    • Gmork says:

      Only problem is your cooking grade herbs and spices are trash as far as containing health benefits. Other than that he’s great.

    • deeder001 says:

      lol there is no one going to the doctor and getting prescriptions for very mild and common ailments such as transient mild congestion that comes with mild allergy or common respiratory virus. People are prescribed bronchodilators, corticosteroid, antihistamine, and leukotriene modifiers because of inflammatory, edematous, and obstructive conditions of the airway and bronchial tubes, and alveolar tissues that have the potential to be life threatening or debilitating. My mother would be dead or bed-ridden 10 years ago without albuterol, salmetrol, and levocetirizine. It’s the difference between taking an aspirin and caffeine for a mild headache and requiring something more potent for moderate to severe pain like a broken hip. The DIY home remedy is NOT going to be effective for the severity of conditions these drugs are prescribed to manage or treat.

  • D News says:

    So glad there’s a few real doctors left who genuinely cares about people’s health.

    • No Thanks says:

      It’s not that they don’t care for what i was studying it would take 18 years before I made 1$ of profit since the education cost 2.4 million so obviously the only reason I would do that is to help people the problem is you don’t work for the patient you work for the insurance company and that won’t change until we get free healthcare as a right

    • C. Kainoa Bugado says:

      Yep. Dr. Mandell Truly stands out to me👍🏾

  • randie mae says:

    I love the energy Dr. Mandell brings to his platform. Godspeed

    • Matthew Talbot-Paine says:

      Maybe you should be more concerned with his credentials, he’s a chiropractor and while this “elixir” isn’t going to hurt you it’s not going to do much good either. If you actually want expectorant or anti inflammatory medication aspirin and guaifenesin or whatever ones are easier to get where you are. I think doctors do recommend aspirin taken daily (don’t take me at my work) but I think it’d be weird if you had expectorant if you don’t have a cough.

    • S Azad says:

      There is no real god besides Allah

    • Phoenix Rising says:

      ​@S Azad😂

  • T W says:

    1 cup of water
    1/2 teaspoon of ground thyme
    1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger
    1-2 teaspoons of raw honey (or natural sweetener)
    Boil cup of water
    Add all ingredients and stir well
    Sniff it

    • James Hohimer says:

      And drink it! It really works!

    • Marc H says:

      I took it to not much effect, at least so far. I’ll keep trying to see if anything changes.
      Edit: I just had to give it a bit more time (like an hour). It seems to be working. I’m breathing more freely, and not clearing my throat from mucus as much. Be aware, the hot liquid can also double as a laxative. lol 💩😉

    • Scott Meckley says:

      I’ll have to try this .

    • ysesq says:

      1 cup of water
      1/2 teaspoon of ground thyme
      1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger
      1-2 teaspoons of raw honey (or natural sweetener)
      Boil cup of water
      Add all ingredients and stir well

    • Q Jones says:

      Sniff it

  • Gail Burnett says:

    You sir are an answer to my prayer I knew there was a way to do this without having to do anything else and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • Hummus says:

    About a year ago my hamster was struggling with a respiratory infection and wheezing. I made her some thyme tea and surprisingly she was willing to drink it- her respiratory issues were gone in a couple days❤

  • Stacy Aaron says:

    Saw this a few weeks ago. Tried it, today, and it WORKS! Within 20 minutes of drinking the tea, I could draw a full breath again! I plan to drink it once a day, until my lungs are better!

  • Dee M says:

    Thank you so much Doc, I’ve been battling with my annoying rhinitis, stubborn phlegm and a nagging cough , this may definitely do it for me.

    Stay blessed. 🌟

  • Sandra Fofana says:

    me and my kids had a very rough winter dealing with bad cold virus and flu. usually we all get sick around flu season into winter, sometimes early spring when its still kind of cold . Thank you so much for sharing this! ❤

  • Irene Wells says:

    Thank you Dr. Mendell. For sharing all your knowledge with us🙏🙏🙏❤️

  • Brandon Parrish says:

    I ain’t gonna lie, I had zero expectations on this. I’ve had trouble breathing on and off the last 6 months and especially today. After I finished the cup, I can breathe great. Thank you.

  • Shamuste Akiawa says:

    Thank you! I’ve been struggling to breathe for about a week, and this actually helped quite a lot.

  • Kathleen Ritchie says:

    For years now I have drunk, upon rising, honey, ginger, turmeric and half a squeezed lemon. No colds, no flu, no Covid. I shall try adding the thyme too. Thank you Doctor!

  • Teresita Germono says:

    No other Doctor than Doc. Allan Mendel honest and direct to the point to teach how people all over the globe healthy 👏👏👏🙏♥️😇🥰

  • Dot Will says:

    Started taking this drink three weeks ago, having lots of mucus which runs down the back of my throat continual coughing, with wheezing chest or l used to, again a big thank you Doctor it’s now sixty per cent improved Thank you Thank you Thank you, an extremely grateful eighty one year old. 👄 💋 ❤️ thank you again for my on the mend drink almost healed .

  • Leo says:

    Thanks for this one Doc. I really appreciate your inspirational videos and all the work you put into making them. 🎉🙏❤️

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