15 more “Yes” and “No” foods to start eating Healthy!

Star the new year on the right foot. Here are 15 foods to either avoid or consume for better Overall health in 2023!
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Gundry MD "Yes" & "No" diet list:
Time Stamps
00:02 – Yogurt
01:13 – Tofu
02:11 – Bad Potatoes
02:29 – Good Potatoes
02:57 – Greek Yogurt
04:03 – Bad Nut Butters
04:56 – Good Nut Butter
05:20 – Green Juice
06:00 – Coconuts
06:43 – Blue Berries
07:05 – Gogi Berries
07:31 – Raspberry
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Dave McKinnon

  • Ray Mikota says:

    Dr. Gundry. I am that guy. I enjoy a green smoothie almost every day. bitter is better yes. sometimes I put some frozen blueberries in and sometimes some apple peel but not very much so thank you for the information. I hope to make it to 100. And you get whatever you want.

  • Ray Mikota says:

    To make a smoothie taste better, you gotta have avocado maybe some blanched almond butter, nutritional yeast to mellows out the bitter vegetables, turmeric. Sometimes I put in really high grade peptide, collagen. ❤ sardines 🤣just kidding.😂. Save those for lunch or dinner since I only basically have two meals a day.

  • dj deje says:

    If you pressure cook a white potato, won’t you eliminate the lectins? Thanks Dr G, love your video advice!

    • True Light says:

      Don’t eat the potato peel. That has the lectins just like the tomato; another nightshade that if you peel and deseed it Dr. Gundry says it’s fine to consume.

    • Dave Lawson says:

      He is half baked expert
      Ask him how is that japanese have been eating tofu for centuries and stay slim ?
      And oh no ! Not potatoes full of lectin ?! How did potato eaters around the world stay healthy for centuries ? should I go on ?

    • Pedro Cortez says:

      @Dave Lawson The studies are very Eurocentric. Different ethnicities can digest different things better. Asians are lactose intolerants, and Caucasians cant eat a lot of new world foods like peppers (spice), tomatoes (nightshades), potatoes (lectins), Native americans have high gluten intolerance (wheat). Were all built differently according to our ancestry.

    • Dave Lawson says:

      @Pedro Cortez Asians are lactose intolerant ? who told u ?

  • Gundry MD says:

    Purchase Gundry MD products ➡ https://bit.ly/3YjZZK3
    Take 25% off any regularly priced item with discount code: YOUTUBE25

  • Tobias Kevorkazito says:

    Thanks to you my gut buddies say thanks so much Dr. Gundry🥊

  • The Lion says:

    Dr Gundry is my favorite Dr, I can listen to his podcasts all day.

  • rypatmackrock says:

    Dr. Gundry, after following you for several years at this point; I have found one of the biggest keys to my personal weight loss after a weight gain phase I went through, is that dark coffee and intermittent fasting were the keys to me losing about 40 to 50 pounds.
    Even though I am still guilty of eating forbidden foods, I find that coffee can be a strong counter balance. I wonder if it is the caffeine that can strengthen my stomach, (as I like to think), coffee being a diarrhetic, (and in ways fiber as I found), or the strong polyphenols; let alone everything I described.
    Thanks for your advice, as it has really served me well.

  • Melandochromis Chippoka says:

    Need a video discussing best nut with low lectins but good for Keto.

  • Deus Vlad2.0 says:

    I didn’t know that about Tofu, now I’m going to avoid Tofu like the plague lol What a legend this DR is!

    • Gundry MD says:

      Thank you for your support! 🙏

    • Dave Lawson says:

      He is half baked expert
      Ask him how is that japanese have been eating tofu for centuries and stay slim ?
      And oh no ! Not potatoes full of lectin ?! How did potato eaters around the world stay healthy for centuries ? should I go on ?

    • Dave Lawson says:

      @Deus Vlad2.0 I gave you proof tofu is healthy with the japanese example . what proof do you have its not healthy other than half baked hyped up claim by your “guru” in the video?

  • silky Robinson says:

    Yes I’ve been struggling with feeling sluggish for awhile …So, What about the tofu is organic in the plane, and what about plain coconut yogurt ? Thanks dr. Gundry

    • Gundry MD says:

      Hi there! Due to high volume, Dr. Gundry is unable to answer every incoming question. We appreciate the time you took to write this question, we will submit it to our growing list of FAQs. Thank you!

    • Dave Lawson says:

      He is half baked expert
      Ask him how is that japanese have been eating tofu for centuries and stay slim ?
      And oh no ! Not potatoes full of lectin ?! How did potato eaters around the world stay healthy for centuries ? should I go on ?

    • Gabriella Klein says:

      @Dave Lawson People in the Americas, central and southern, have always eaten potatoes, squash of every sort, tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, legumes – their staple foods – and they’ve not been decimated.

    • Dave Lawson says:

      @Gabriella Klein That is what I stated bcoz I know it.

  • homoruge says:

    Hello Dr. Gundry. I started your diet and been on for 3 months. Since I started the diet I have had a stomach ache frequently. I am guessing it is when I ate something that negatively affects my gut microbe or gut lining. I cannot specify the source. Maybe it is a trace amount of gluten, dairy or other kinds of irritants. Today at my wife’s birthday breakfast I had A1 milk whip cream with Cassava flour pancake and I am now having the stomach ache. I want to believe that my gut has become more sensitive to negative foods and is giving me a signal, which is a good thing in my opinion because it can help me identify foods that are not good for my owner (the gut community). But I am also afraid that there might be more serious illnesses. Could you give your opinion on this?

    • Gundry MD says:

      Hi there, thank you for sharing your story with us. We highly recommend consulting with your primary physician if you have any questions regarding your health. If you have any concerns about our supplements, please feel free to reach out to us. Wishing you the best of luck through your health journey!

    • Dave Lawson says:

      He is half baked expert
      Ask him how is that japanese have been eating tofu for centuries and stay slim ?
      And oh no ! Not potatoes full of lectin ?! How did potato eaters around the world stay healthy for centuries ? should I go on ?

    • Gabriella Klein says:

      Cassava is loaded with oxalates.

    • homoruge says:

      @Gabriella Klein I guess so, but it doesn’t matter anymore now that I am carnivore 😝

  • Ursula Smith says:

    We need to adopt European union laws for food production. No chemicals, no ultra processed food and no bird food called cereal.

  • Gabriel Pakdet'a says:

    Good work. If you can be showing a clear picture of the fruits and nuts or seed as you explain it will help us recognize them when we see them as the name may differ here in africa

  • RALF says:

    Peanut butter won’t make you fat.
    I went from 190 pounds to 130 pounds in 6 months eating peanut butter with my oats almost everyday.

    • ⚡Comment Master💧 says:

      You know nothing.

    • Viz1 says:

      You so right! Haved lived eating a lot of peanut butter for 45 years. Same weight, no high cholesterol, no high blood pressure, no diabetes, no digestive issues and no heart problems. A 60 years old I feel great and eat a lot of what he says not to. Dr Peddling his supplements.

    • Norman Kennedy says:

      Was peanut butter genetically modified,as a lot is these days

  • Leonor Loredo says:

    Me encanta toda la información
    Que nos da.
    Entiendo mis dolores articulares
    Al ver sus videos.
    Harw cambios 👍👏✍️
    Muchas gracias dr.❤

  • Cheryl Elin Smith says:

    Dr Gundry, I went and looked at the lists of food you should eat and ones not to eat. You mention don’t eat bread, so what kind of bread should we eat? I’ve been eating whole grains 100% whole wheat bread. I tried to eat the Ezekiel bread, but the seeds irritated my colon stomach. My gastroenterologist that I had who did my colonoscopy told me no seeds, corn or nuts.

    • Gundry MD says:

      Hi there! Great question. We’re so glad you asked! The blog on our website has a wide range of nutrition and lectin-free articles (+ recipes!) that we think you might like. We encourage you to browse around and see if you’re able to find what you’re looking for. Thank you! https://bit.ly/3cDZ0gS

  • Farmer Gwyn says:

    Had many problems with irritable bowel, lack of energy, aches and pains over the years, and finally I’ve managed to join the dots, the common factor is lectins, what made it all add up was that I remember my doctor many years ago recommended I ate more brown bread instead of white, it exacerbated my irritable bowel, now I understand that brown bread contains more lectins because it’s contained in the rusk of the wheat and adding up all my other loved experiences with health problems, it’s pretty obvious that lectins are the common factor.
    Now I’ve practically eliminated these foods, at 53 I feel better than I did when I was 18.
    What strikes me is that soon as you look for related research papers, it appears to be quite conclusive that this will be the problem for millions if not billions of people across the world, why don’t the healthcare specialists in government make themselves aware of the potential trillions of pounds that could be saved…. the mind boggles

  • Big Mac says:

    Raspberries are high in oxalates so maybe good for other health benefits but bad for your kidneys

  • Julio Rodriguez says:

    I would like you to publish something about the synergy between foods and supplements, for example vegetables with extra virgin, coenzyme Q10 with selenium, ….. Best regards, Dr Gundry

  • Rita says:

    Very valuable information ..Have done Dietetics and Nutrition decades back ..Learnt about probiotics but did not know about prebiotics…

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