Dave McKinnon

  • Mid Night says:

    golden heart 💛

  • Regina May says:

    first thing I do is go to the bathroom

  • cornchips007 says:

    This legit feels so good! Even if it’s 2pm here and I’m on an office chair at a desk. Just sat on the chair edge and held the stretch a good 20 seconds.

    Soooo good!

  • Marilou Fleenor says:

    Thank you Doc.

  • Faith Hope & Charity’s Homestead says:

    I have to remember to do this every time I get up, I keep forgetting and just jump up. I was rear ended at a red light and I was completely flung like a rag doll. They didn’t have headlights so I wasn’t prepared at all for any cars just relaxed waiting for it to turn green. It was 4 weeks after I had a very difficult birth with 3 failed spinals a retained placenta that required emergency DNC it was so painful because i had to deliver naturally due to the baby being in distress, my body was bruised from there arms into my ribs because the placenta was in the wrong spot I was 37 weeks, my baby was 17 inches long and only 4 pounds 10 ounces, now 5 months later i suffer so bad from the whip lash. I have 4 children and if I sleep wrong or get up wrong it’s hell. My throat gets all weird my neck I get dizzy and I know it’s because I am so out of wack from all that happened; and having breast feed and be a mom I didn’t recover I didn’t heal, so trying desperately to remember every time I stand to change him or feed him at night I get up properly 😓thank you for all your help I can’t afford a chiropractor right now or God knows I would so these tips have literally saved me. Soon I hope we have the extra money so I can go get treatment but for now stuck in NY with horrible inflation and we just got to trust God. Take care doc you are a real blessing to my family i know I don’t comment often, but I try when I can. Just so you can be reminded how much your appreciated 🙏❤️🤗

  • Kathleen Richmond says:

    Thank u to the best doctor in the world 🌎

  • Linda Hazlett says:

    ❤Best Doc ever

  • Dale Hollis says:

    ❤ can not thank you enough 🤗 Many blessings upon thee……in well-being & peace

  • Angiebabe says:

    Thanks doc! I always sit for a minute before heading to the bathroom. I’ll add this to my routine. By the way, I love the picture on the wall!!! 👍🏾👍🏾

  • Joyce Nyokabi says:

    The Doctor is full of wisdom 🙏🏿

  • Molly Low says:

    Thanks Dr Mandell.

  • Ryzon says:

    Me who stands up 30 minutes before work 💀

  • Pauline Khainza says:

    Many thanks Dr Mandell 🙏 Greetings from Uganda 🇺🇬 East Africa

  • Jaxson Cruz says:

    A real doctor. Thank you for being awesome and actually showing us how to care for our body’s and mind better .

  • Michelle says:

    Marvellous advice as always

  • Josephine gorra says:

    Good morning dearest Dr.Mandell

  • In My Free Tyme says:

    Thank U for this. I do it daily now. Feels GREAT !

  • Miguel Ortas says:

    That felt Great ,Thanks blessed day Doc🫁🫀👁️🧠

  • Aida F. says:

    Great stretch Dr. Mandell, I’ll definitely be incorporating this stretch starting tomorrow morning!!❤😊🙏🙏

  • Sorasuki Shizu says:

    Doc, I would like to add one more most important things we have to do when we get up first in the morning. First, say a prayer. Say thanks to God for giving us another day to live. Then follow by your golden exercise 💖💖🇸🇬🇸🇬

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