23 Signs Your Body Needs More Nutrients: How to Address the Deficiencies

Are you deficient in vital nutrients? Learn how to spot the signs of a nutrient deficiency.

STOP Asthma Symptoms Once and For All:

Make Vitamin D Supplement:

Why Does Eating Sugar Deplete Vitamin B1?:


0:00 Introduction: Nutrient deficiencies
0:25 The main causes of nutrient deficiencies
1:50 Signs of a nutrient deficiency
23:37 Check out my video on how to identify a liver problem by looking at the foot!

23 different signs your body is deficient in nutrients and what to do:
1. A white spot on the nail
• Get plenty of zinc
• Stop eating sugar

2. Oily skin
• Get plenty of zinc
• Control your blood sugar levels

3. Cracking on the corners of the mouth or heels
• Get plenty of B vitamins (nutritional yeast)
• Get plenty of vitamin D

4. Flaking skin
• Get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids (cod liver oil)
• Reduce your omega-6 fatty acids

5. Yellow eyes
• Get plenty of purified bile salts

6. Chronic cough
• Get plenty of calcium lactate

7. Bleeding/red gums
• Get plenty of vitamin C
• Avoid sugar

8. Poor night vision
• Get plenty of vitamin A

9. Chapped lips
• Get plenty of B vitamins (nutritional yeast)
• Avoid grains
• Avoid chapstick

10. Pitting edema
• Get plenty of potassium

11. Craving ice
• Get plenty of iron

12. Angina
• Get plenty of vitamin E
• Avoid refined grains

13. Leg/calf cramps
• Get plenty of magnesium, potassium, sodium, and B1

14. Irritability and excessive thinking
• Get plenty of B1 (nutritional yeast)

15. Asthma
• Get plenty of vitamin D

16. Loss of outer eyebrows
• Get plenty of iodine (sea kelp)

17. Tightness in the right trap muscle
• Get plenty of purified bile salts

18. Nightmares
• Get plenty of vitamin B1 (nutritional yeast)
• Avoid sugar and refined grains

19. Craving salty chips at night
• Get plenty of sea salt

20. Stiff/painful low back
• Get plenty of vitamin D

21. Craving dirt
• Get plenty of iron

22. Erectile dysfunction
• Get plenty of zinc

23. Depression
• Get plenty of vitamin D

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.





Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Thanks for watching! I hope learning these signs of a nutrient deficiency helps you get your health on track.

Dave McKinnon

  • Cutest kittens 😸 animal rescue please subscribe says:

    This should be played in every school every year of a child’s life and it would improve people’s lives so much! 😊 Dr Berg you are awesome! 🍃

  • Bob says:

    1) White spot on nail – Zinc
    2) Oily skin – Zinc
    3) Cracking corners of mouth / heel – Vitamin B2/B3/D
    4) Flaking skin – Omega 3
    5) Yellow eyes – Liver problem / deficiency of bile salts
    6) Chronic cough – Calcium lactate
    7) Bleeding gums – Vitamin C
    8) Night vision issue – Vitamin A/ Retinol
    9) Chapped lips – Vitamin B2
    10) Edema – Potassium
    11) Craving ice – Iron
    12) Angina – Vitamin E / stop using refined grains
    13) Leg / Calf cramps – Magnesium / potassium
    14) Irritable / Excessive thinking – Vitamin B1 deficiency
    15) Asthma – Vitamin D
    16) Loss of outer Eyebrows – Iodine deficiency / thyroid issue
    17) Tightness in right trap – suspect gall bladder/ lack of bile salts
    18) Night mares – Vitamin B1 deficiency / reduce refined grains/carbs
    19) Craving salty chips-night – sodium deficiency
    20) Stiff / low back pain – Vitamin D deficiency
    21) Craving dirt – Iron deficiency
    22) Erectile dysfunction – low testosterone/ Zinc deficiency
    23) Depression – Vitamin D

  • mazaloud says:

    I love that this isn’t just a supplement recommendation list for a bunch of random symptoms, but that you actually explain sometimes what causes the symptom itself, give common causes for each deficiency, and perhaps best of all, you always recommend food before supplements for each one.

    • Cheyhey says:

      but half the things arent even based on deficiency. even the first thing about the white spot under the nail is completely wrong

    • Cheyhey says:

      @UCmixQK0oOy1Izw_bGzWyPdA you can even just look it up online and look at multiple credible sources instead of a random person on yt thats not linking any, but tldr;
      most common cause of this is previous inflammation/damage to your finger/nail. another cause can be an allergic reaction, but thats also unlikely.
      zinq is also very dangerous in too high dosages, so its better to check your bloodstats before you try things like zinq anyways.

    • nemi says:

      exactly what i was about to comment!

    • Andre Johnson says:

      @Cheyhey And going in for depression as the kicker. Lol, gonna stop saying “just pull yourself together” (note the sarcasm attempt please) and hand some Vitamin D tablets when a friend stands on a cliff basking in sun, ready to jump lmao.

      I mean it’s not all wrong biochemically. It just seriously lacks a “This is a plausible hypothesis in my opinion. It is not medically or psychiatrically supported at all”-section

    • Cheyhey says:

      @Andre Johnson yeah, hes just taking one of the many possible things that have to do with X and is like “this is the magic ingredient” lmao

  • Jess Blayze says:

    If only doctors teach about this instead of prescribing a bunch of drugs, people would be healthier. Thank you, Dr. Berg!!

    • Lawrence Njawe says:

      You couldn’t have said it better. Health Sensitization and Teaching need a rethink in my opinion.

    • 1956Chevrolet says:

      Doctors don’t want you healthier..
      They’ll lose!

    • Patricia says:

      Medical establishment will HAVE FITS

    • moonglow71 says:

      @Lawrence Njawe all teachings needs rethinking, but yes totally agree with you.
      Teaching example that could be much better today:
      I guarantee 💯 that Dr. Berg didn’t tell this information through his schools teachings, but experience and many that we need more of today
      I see many today who get angry with people that tries to teach others or that they don’t got a clue because they don’t have a grade on a paper.

  • Bright Night says:

    Fantastic way of teaching us Dr. Berg. I appreciate you not food shaming us but rather putting out choices for us to decide.
    Super helpful!! 🌟

  • Jae Jae says:

    Wow… I always thought leg cramps were from potassium mostly! Thank you for the tip on magnesium! I also love how you included symptoms related to mental health! Its so interesting how it all ties into nutrition!

    • MrsSlocombes PuddyCat says:

      Magnesium is brilliant for easing leg cramps. You can get a spray for emergencies, but best to take in tablet or powder form before bed – it also helps you sleep.

    • AntidoteX2 says:

      Sodium deficiency also gives you cramps.

    • Ilea C says:

      I once had a crying fit w/ real strong sobbing & shoulders bobbing. Went to Dr, he prescribed magnesium. But told me to be very careful not to take more than the one packet of powder at a time because it could be dangerous.

    • Wen says:

      @MrsSlocombes PuddyCat it’s available as a lotion too, for easy application

    • Holy Godeyez says:

      Hi baby how are you doing now i hope you are really doing good you are awesome looking at you baby makes happy when I look at your picture it is beyond my imagination that a creature like you really exist like a rose you make the garden so beautiful You are a diamond to any man that have eyes to see goodness of a womanhood Baby am Ben easy going person very understandable Am a civil engineer and a contractor I work at so many places like Asia Europe and Africa I love art craft and I write music I like ideal people when I see your picture am impress I want a good woman that understand what real love is all about who will understand me and perfectly be for me So we can build our world strong enough to care for each other I want you to be mine and I hope to hear from you soonest thanks

  • conicEllipse says:

    Dr. Berg, I have been watching your videos for a few months now. I have been listening to you and putting into practice what you are teaching us. May God bless you abundantly, sir! You have and continue to help me immensely, every single day. I feel that I am starting to get well. My life is improving a little bit more, day after day and week after week. I couldn’t possibly thank you enough, doctor. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • Sela Pauu says:

    Thank you Dr Berg for all the in-depth health information. We appreciate your hard work and looking forward for more👌🏽

  • Rafael Shumaker says:

    My E.D disappeared about 3 weeks after I started avoiding the sugar gang (sugar, grain, and starch). Although I never eliminated the sugar gang, just reducing it gave me wonderful improvements, the first of which, just 3 days later, was the one I was after, the elimination of nighttime urination. The ultimate benefit was losing all of my excess body fat, after about 5 months.

  • Misty Foley says:

    OMG…our dog used to eat dirt very often during the last couple of years. We had no idea it was an iron issues. Very strange considering she was on a mostly beef raw diet during that time.

    Thank you for all of these Dr. Berg. I really wish doctors told us these things.

  • chonnton wonton says:

    For me:
    1. Vitamin C = Way more leafy greens + avoid sugar (usually don’t eat much sweets anyway)
    2. B2 = nutrional yeast + stop grains (ah my rice 😢)
    3. Iron = red meat like liver + eggs
    4. Vitamin E = stop fine grains
    5. Magnesium = green plants
    6. Vitamin D = try fasting

  • Gabrielle Archambault says:

    I started really focusing on my diet and vitamins to manage my adhd because I wasn’t doing well on medication and since I’ve been taking omega-3, iron, and vitamin d, I’ve stopped feeling exhausted all the time and it’s helped a lot with my fidgeting. And my dark circles are starting to get less pronounced

    • Dani By says:

      When you do the blood work check your levels of vitamin d and iron, becouse those can accumulate and cause huge issues, much more so than slight insufficiency. Often when you have D deficiency. If I were you, I’d also check B12 levels, becouse it’s also important for your nervous system and absorption of vit d is correlated to the presence of b12 and sometimes people have issues with both. I’m no doctor, just a person who had issues with these deficiencies and was diagnosed by my family doctor.

    • Christina says:

      Also look into mthfr gene mutation. Those symptoms are correlated with mthfr gene.

    • Gabrielle Archambault says:

      @Dani By thanks!

  • Liv says:

    Love, love, love Dr. Berg – and his sarcasm.
    This was such a good video, which needs a rewatch a couple of times, and with 10 million views I will add to that count as there was so much valuable information in this video alone. Can you imagine, America, if Dr. Berg was the Surgeon General and in charge of the nation’s health, how healthy would America be? His sane, rational, well-explained health instructional videos are such a resource.
    All hail Dr. Berg, you deserve all the success and blessings and abundance your videos bring you and your family because you give so much value in return.

    • Tracy says:

      🙌 👏 exactly!! Just imagine a healthier population, all due to him, and his priority to root cause, natural healing, and most importantly… common sense.

  • Onil Varghese says:

    Such an amazing video with so good explanation with what deficiency is causing it and how can it be cured. Honestly I don’t understand why doctors don’t explain this in real lives. Thank you so much Dr Berg!

    • Wendy Daniel says:

      It’s because normal Western style doctors are not trained in any of this and will even tell you that diet and supplements are not important.

    • Onil Varghese says:

      @Wendy Daniel I hope the time has come to change the old practice then and add this sort of education into their training.

    • justin Pennington says:

      They are not super human . They are just people, you can’t worship the Dr’s. We are responsible for our own health. They make a living from your poor health

  • Habesha says:

    Dr. Berg you are officially my life saver I am cured from a horrible acid reflux which I thought it was a heart attack and went to the Er multiple times so thank you 🙏🏽 I have a son who has autism with many food allergies and test result shows his body doesn’t absorb fat ( explains why he is 5.9’ and only 89 pounds) they told us that but nothing for what to do, we don’t know what to do besides giving him some digestive enzymes and try to feed him clean food. Please help

  • Miss A says:

    I love these videos! Thank you Dr Berg I’ve learned so much for you and fixed so many of my problems I tolerated for decades!! You’re so wonderful! ❤

  • Hailey Newman says:

    I love how you provide a solution for each problem. Very simple and straightforward.

  • Yasemin Boyraz says:

    Love you Dr.Berg❤ Can you please look into narcolepcy and cataplexy along with MS, would love to see your point amd advice on these topics❤ I believe keto diet and vitamin B12 is quite effectivw, however my daughter, who is narcoleptic, finds keto diet difficult and hard to implement as a way of living:(

  • ics][cata says:

    As a vegan, this is pure gold!
    Thank you!!! 🌱🙏

  • NAY2GAS says:

    Dr. Berg, I watched this video and there were 4 things and I ordered the Vitamins and I have been taking them for the past week and I feel much better, I can actually tell the difference. Thank you!

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