A Radical & New Approach To Eliminating Disease & Cognitive Decline | Sharon Hausman-Cohen

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Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen is the Chief Medical Officer and co-founder of IntellxxDNA and has been in the field of integrative medicine for over 25 years. She is the co-author of many publications and a textbook chapter on using genomics to improve outcomes in cognitive decline and autism.

This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Fatty15, BiOptimizers, and ARMRA.

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In this episode we discuss (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):
What are genes and what do they do? (6:37 / 4:33)
Genetic predisposition does not mean predestined (9:22 / 7:18)
The difference between genetics vs genomics (13:10 / 11:06)
Polygenic risk scoring for chronic disease (18:18 / 16:14)
Dementia risk and treatment (33:59 / 29:24)
Mental and cognitive health issues in children (46:00 / 41:25)
The similarities between Autism and Alzheimer’s patients (49:49 / 45:14)
My genomic test results, specifically related to detoxification and osteoporosis (52:21 / 47:45)
Genetic vs genomic testing (1:06:29 / 1:01:54)

Learn more at .

Dave McKinnon

  • @zaramatthan8447 says:

    Okay, why did you chew on the number of chromosomes, so that the information is so muffled that no one could clearly hear it? What is that?

  • @rendipart111 says:

    Who is that sexy Dr.?

  • @cherylthec says:

    They both mentioned something called “visveratrol”? (That’s the best is can hear). Can someone please help clarity? Thank you very much for this very informative video.

  • @kkkastro123 says:

    Quick question. Where am I able to obtain a prescription online for a full blood panel work? I can only get so far without a prescription, and my Dr. sucks. I am asking for a reliable online consultation to avoid being scammed.

    • @artspark7697 says:

      There are a lot of labs you can get without a prescription if you are willing to pay for them. Labcorp has a menu of things you can order.

    • @Detmold1965 says:

      You can order all kinds of tests through Quest Diagnostics and privately pay for them or use HSA funds. No script needed.

  • @bjoburn7821 says:

    Can the average person understand what you are talking about? Simplistic best nutrition information facts easy for people to digest easily Thanks

    • @dfinite4089 says:

      Some of us want and greatly appreciate this information. If YOU cannot understand, there are plenty of other YouTube channels that offer basic, simplistic medical advice and information. This one offered that, and you can find it by scrolling back in the dates to earlier videos. This kind of breaking information is golden, and is what many of us, or most of us, want.

  • @mareebrissenden99 says:

    wow what a great discussion, I’ve learnt so much and realise there is so much more to uncover.

  • @lisaterzulli5734 says:

    Great info !

  • @rosanneseiler3825 says:

    This all sounds like the wave of the future reseach and thats great, but to me it sounds just like another “pill for every ill “solution. Don’t we think the real problem to focus on is our agriculture, soil and air/chemical polution. If we can get rid of all the isles of processed foods and replace them with good whole foods grown if organic, nutrient rich soil we may naturaly reduce all of our problems.

    • @lindajones4849 says:

      You are right that if our massively polluted air, soil and water pollution were fixed and if all ultraprocessed food was replaced with organic food many or most of our health problems would disappear. But that is not going to happen . The companies responsible for enviornmentAl pollution will fight tooth and nail to preserve their profits. Right now the attorney general of Connecticut is suing multiple chemical companies to force them to clean up the PFAs in the environment. They will fight this and the suit could take years and during that time pollution as usual goes on. Calley Means has been interviewed by Dr. Mark about how BIG Food and Big Sugar have infiltrated ( paid off ) institutions of trust to convince the public that their sugar ladened, additive laden products are fine, just fine.Big Food bribed Harvard nutritionists to say that saturated fat ,( not sugar) was causing rising rated of obesity and diabetes. The result? The low fat craze ( with tons of low fat and high sugar products an d the problem worsened. The SAD diet is spreading around the world bringing chronic metabolic illness. All individuals can do is become informed and read labels. Oh , and members of Congress have been bought off by these corporations.

    • @happycoyotestruthsaboutpea1706 says:

      ​@@lindajones4849100 percent! It’s tough out there. We have to do what we can. I think fasting is key and detoxing. Nobody has the genetics to conquer all these things without some effort!

  • @kathymantey6179 says:

    How do you get this testing done?

  • @dfinite4089 says:

    This is brilliant!! It’s so exciting too, to be in the time of all this discovery of genomics! And the medical discoveries about how genes manifest!

  • @4312caviar says:


  • @144Donn says:

    Fantastic talk! TY! I have heart disease, cancer and dementia in my family. I live as if these 3 killers are chasing me. I have not eaten meat in 33 years and have been Vegan for last 12 years, I vigorously exercise and do many things to mitigate stress. I figure that I have little wiggle room to play with. I have a drink or two on some weekends (nothing major) and I enjoy sweets but everything is in measure and not overboard. I know 2 languages and I study and try to increase my learning on a daily basis. I am very pleased you mentioned Dale Bredesen’s work. I have heard people doubt his findings and claims but I am true beleiver!

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