Apple Cider Vinegar reduces lectins? | Ask Gundry MD

In this Gundry MD YouTube Short, we answer your question: "Does apple cider vinegar remove lectins?" While it may not directly reduce lectins, apple cider vinegar has its own incredible health benefits. Discover the truth about ACV and its impact on your diet and overall well-being. Learn how to make the most of this natural remedy and boost your health!

#AppleCiderVinegar #Lectins #GundryMD

Dave McKinnon

  • @N0Pride says:

    Good to know doc!

  • @veenanarwani761 says:

    Dr. I am osteoporotic patient. Is it harmful for patients like me?

    • @GundryMDYT says:

      Hi there! Thank you for your question. We highly recommend consulting with your primary physician if you have any health concerns with adding a new supplement to your regimen or any changes to your diet, especially if medical conditions exist. Thank you!

  • @amieinnovascotia3237 says:

    Is it OK to add a few drops of liquid 100% stevia to the ACV and water mixture? Also, should it be consumed by drinking it through a straw to prevent potential damage to the teeth.

    • @kst157 says:

      Stevia & all sweeteners fool the stomach into thinking real food is on the way… creating an insulin spike… then no real food arrives… so it crashes… we therefore avoid stevia & all sweeteners.

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