Collagen Supplements for Arthritis

Can collagen beat out placebo for knee osteoarthritis? The largest study to date on collagen for joint pain found that collagen did work, but no better than a sugar pill

If you missed the previous video, check out Do Collagen Supplements Work for Skin Aging? ( ).

How to Boost Collagen Synthesis with Diet is coming up next.

There are a few foods that may help with arthritic knee pain. See:
• Turmeric Curcumin and Osteoarthritis ( )
• Sesame Seeds for Knee Osteoarthritis ( )
• Ginger for Osteoarthritis ( )

The most powerful treatment, however, may be weight loss. Check out The Best Knee Replacement Alternative for Osteoarthritis Treatment ( ).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Dave McKinnon

  • @Alex-ky4cd says:

    Thanks NF!!

  • @RealJonzuk says:

    Glycine is some good stuff theres no need to buy creatine or collagen when you can take glycine and its vegan 🙂

  • @RealJonzuk says:

    appreciate this channel a lot my suffering has decreased a ton since ive started eating only wholefoods

    • @Julottt says:

      Whole plant foods?

    • @RealJonzuk says:

      @@Julottt of course 🙂 vegan for almost 3-4 years i havent been keeping track too well my sense of time is not great, ive tried every type of animal product in the past their all poison and make you sick in a different way slowly

  • @faddad101 says:

    Love the info and appreciate it! But I think the videos could be more engaging, I try to watch them for the info but get so bored. Even having Dr Greger on screen could make it much better.

  • @AndrewLijoi-lm7fz says:

    Would be nice if we knew whether theres a difference between type II undenatured

  • @BlueSkies360 says:

    But does it help for bone density?

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