Discovering the Surprising Benefits of Iodine

Skin Tags and Warts:


Yes, iodine is important for the thyroid, but let’s talk about the unexpected benefits of iodine for the rest of the body.

0:00 Introduction: Iodine explained
0:10 Do we need iodine?
1:37 How to tell if you’re deficient in iodine
3:12 Iodine benefits
6:05 Check out this comprehensive video on iodine!

Today I will cover the unexpected benefits of iodine. Iodine is a trace mineral. You don’t need a lot of iodine, but it is still very important for your health. If you don’t have the right amount of iodine, many different health issues can occur.

Every single cell in the body needs iodine. In my opinion, the daily recommended amounts for iodine are way too low. Unless you consume foods from the ocean, you’re not going to get very much iodine from your food.

The body utilizes iodine for many different things, including the detoxification of mercury, lead, fluoride, and bromide.

Unexpected health benefits of iodine:
1. It can help shrink cysts
2. It can help reduce the size of skin tags and warts
3. It can help break down the connective tissue in a condition called Dupuytren’s contracture
4. It supports scar regeneration
5. It can help lessen depression
6. It can help shrink stones in the parotid glands
7. It can help reduce hot flashes and heavy menstrual cycles by balancing estrogen
8. It can help reduce cystic acne

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.





Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps explain the unexpected benefits of iodine.

Dave McKinnon

  • nywvblue says:

    My entire life I’ve suffered from estrogen dominance, ovarian and uterine cysts, and extreme keloid scarring (and life-threatening internal adhesions that “glued” all of my organs together) from all of the surgeries related to this. To think that supplementing with iodine as a young person might have spared me so much misery is a lesson I hope someone reading this will benefit from. 💕

    • GoddessStone says:

      Gosh, me too. I had 11 surgeries by the time I was 30, and had to have a radical hysterectomy at 34, never being able to have children. The thing is, the endometriosis had to be burned out from my thighs, all the way up to under my rib cage. I’m now 52, and still suffer from lymph damage. I wonder if this will help now?

    • nywvblue says:

      @GoddessStone Holy cats, I’m so sorry for what you’ve endured – that is beyond extreme!! It certainly can’t hurt to start supplementing with iodine. I take an oral tincture (in glycerin) and find that I love the taste, which I interpret as my body really wants it. I’m 55, no children, and to this day still deal with the scar tissue trapping fluids and wreaking havoc with on/off PID. My best defenses have been (brace yourself) pure pine gum spirits taken with castor oil to wipe out infection and soothe the organs, serrapeptase to break down unwanted tissue, and an anti-inflammatory diet. It’s proving to be wildly effective without the destructive side effects caused by antibiotics.

    • Experiment HealthyKeto says:

      Yes 👏 thank you so much for sharing!

    • Experiment HealthyKeto says:

      @GoddessStone I’m sure it will help. He also made videos on each of the subjects you mention here. I suggest you check them out. Possibly easier to find on his website or by asking his staff.

  • ThisorThat says:

    Please remember there are two kinds of iodine. One is for EXTERNAL use only. That is povidone iodine. It works great applied directly to the skin or used in a foot soak. The other type is for internal use. Lugol’s iodine, kelp, nascent iodine, etc. Internal iodine is more expensive and can kill off any bacterial overgrowth in your gut. Start slow and work your way up in dosage.

    • Shelby Hall says:

      What kind of internal iodine should I use for best results?

    • ThisorThat says:

      @Shelby Hall I use 5% Lugol’s iodine. I add it to my tea or coffee because iodine tastes terrible. Start with one drop and increase it as you feel your body can handle it. If you have candida overgrowth, iodine can cause short term digestive issues as your body gets rid of the unwanted organisms in your gut. Best results will occur with regular use. Iodine is also necessary for our DNA to replicate correctly, something that is very important especially in preventing cancer. Blessings.

    • Shelby Hall says:

      @ThisorThat Thank you so much!💝

    • SunRae* ** says:

      THANK YOU !!!

    • JoJo says:

      Thanks for the information. Please would you confirm the strength and brand of the topical iodine?

  • New World Anarchy says:

    1. Shrinks Cyst
    2. Reduces size of skin tags
    3. Breaks down connective skin tissues
    4. Scar regeneration
    5. Lessens depression
    6. Shrinks stones in parotid glands
    7. Balances estrogen
    8. Reduces acne.

  • JFRivers says:

    Thank you Dr. Berg for this great video! I am an RN and used to have adult acne. When I worked on a cardiac floor we would prep open heart patients with a povidone iodine body scrub in the shower. So I started using it to scrub my face and within a couple of days, no more acne! For the past 35 years I never break out unless I miss a day. Everyone I’ve told about this swears by it. (DON’T DO THIS IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO IODINE OR SHELLFISH. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY ) You just buy a bottle of povidone iodine it’s in the bandage and wound care area of the pharmacy (don’t use tincture of iodine, it won’t wash off!). Then get a wet washcloth, use soap to make it sudsy, squirt a bit of iodine to make the suds orange, wash your face and rinse. If you have a more serious case of acne do this twice a day until your skin is clear, then just once a day to maintain. This is so much healthier than taking antibiotics and so much cheaper than all the fancy acne treatments. And it works.

  • Catherine’s Hidden Garden says:

    I’ve been taking Lugol’s iodine orally (50mg. -175 mg) for 6 years. Saved my thyroid! It’s also great for lumpy breasts & it’s very important to clean up bromines, fluoride & other toxic chemicals that stops the iodine from being absorbed into the body. Because these are usually more dominant in your body and will push the iodine out before it can be utilized.

    • Don Swank says:

      50 – 175 milligrams or micrograms?

    • Catherine’s Hidden Garden says:

      @Don Swank Milligrams

    • N Bass says:

      And I stress over taking 1 mg a day I was worried I was taking too much 🥴

    • lo re says:

      Was it in pill form or drops? If drops, how do you swallow the Lugol’s drops safely? I tried 15 drops in a glass of water & it burned the tissue in my mouth. Took 3 days to peel off and regenerate. Thank goodness I spit out most of it rather than swallow it. I can’t imagine the damage it would have done to my stomach lining. All I can think of is that my dose was too large, since I’ve read of other people swallowing Lugol’s without a problem.

    • Catherine’s Hidden Garden says:

      @lo re I put mine in my coffee in the morning. Or a health shake. I also make my own iodine/iodide liquid. It’s to nasty to take in just plan water.

  • Crybaby11 says:

    I started using organic sea kelp supplements. Its 60 capsules an a bottle and I take one a day. I haven’t even finished the bottle but I can see my menstrual cycle starting to normalize. I drink kambucha and add sauerkraut to my everyday meals (all new to my diet). The changes in my body are amazing. This month I will buy Dim and see what will happen. I want to defeat this endometriosis.

    • Irish says:

      I have also an endometrial cyst , does eating seaweeds every day help? As I stop taking Visanne medicine for the cyst.

    • Crybaby11 says:

      @Irish I suppose seaweed helps as Dr Berg mentioned in one of his videos. I also take Dim which balances estrogen. I’m doing fine so far. All the best

    • Diya Ciwan says:

      @Crybaby11 I heard that Diem supplements are not suitable for patients with hyperthyroidism due to its negative vegetable ingredients.. What do you think?

    • Tee M says:

      Hi, hope you are better with your new diet. If you don’t mind, can you mention if these things have work for you? Take care

  • You've got a friend in me says:

    Thank you for the awareness on this Doctor.
    My baby kept getting warts on her face, not many, just three, it wasn’t big but still, we were concerned that it might get big with time and we might have to get rid of it by a surgery when she’s big enough. I hate the though of surgery on her, I wanted to get rid of them naturally. When I seen this video, I searched on iodine based food and fed her more of it. Gradually, within 3 to 4 days, warts disappeared from her face. It is no more.
    Now I know the reason she’d got them in the first place, it’s because she was unknowingly going through iodine deficiency.

  • MustSee Videos777 says:

    This Dr. is a gift from God. Thank you Dr. Berg. You have blessed so many with your work.

    • Hilary C says:

      God shmod. Why, because he’s on youtube? Not to take away from his efforts, but do you not realize how many doctors are in the world who have the same knowledge that they all gained in school? And…. He’s not giving complete and important info in this video. It bears mentioning that Iodine for people with thyroid issues may not be wise as it triggers Hashimotos and other Thyroid issues. Yes, whilst the Japanese have those low occurence rates of cancers Dr. Berg stated in this video , they also have have the highest levels of Hashimoto’s in the world. A global spike in iodine consumption over the past two decades, exactly parallels the skyrocketing increase in thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, and thyroid cancer. He didn’t mention this very important factor and he should have. “gift from god”…good grief.

    • Barbara Banks 1 says:

      @Hilary C Thank you for the information of the possible side effects. I sporadically use both iodine and selenium, after having thyroid issues. I believe these side effects would become manifest, with over usage. I don’t take any supplements regularly for that reason, and rely mostly on my food to get my nutrition.
      Bottom line is we are all responsible for our own health, and need to do a thorough research for any conditions we may have.
      And, I’m very thankful for channels and decent ppl like Dr. Berg. If it weren’t for ppl like him; many people would be much less educated on health and diet. God bless him, and you. Thanks again, I will research those conditions as well. ☺️🙏❤️

    • Hilary C says:

      @Barbara Banks 1 You’re welcome. Like you, I rarely take supplements, but I always try to eat foods which will benefit me. Nothing is perfect, but I believe we’d all be in much better health overall if we stopped ingesting industrialized food. Even the mass produced veggies now have only a small amount of nutrients in them, which is why I buy local.

    • Mary Lee says:

      @Hilary C If you can be a gift from God, why can’t Dr. Berg be a gift?

  • Kacey Harms says:

    Dealing with toe fungus. I’ve been using it for 6 weeks. I’m finally starting to see healthy nails growing in after 20 years of dealing with it . Nothing else has worked including laser treatments. Just surround your nail with iodine every day or every other day!

    • whatever says:

      Definitely going to try it.
      Can you elaborate more on how much etc.?

    • Kacey Harms says:

      @whatever my iodine comes with a plastic stick that’s attached to the lid. I just surround my nail with iodine. I do this 4-5 times a week once a day. Usually after a bath or shower. You won’t notice anything for about a month. But then one day you’ll notice healthy nails growing. You will need to continue this process until the nail is completely grown out. After nail is grown out only do this treatment for prevention purposes

    • eps says:

      tea tree oil

    • Beer Man says:

      Damn I hope it works , I have the same problem and went to doctors, nothing worked

    • David Boff says:

      @Beer Man it’s an easy fix with the over the counter nail fungus treatment.

      Use a nail cleaning tool to separate the end of your infected nail from the nail bed then trim it. Repeat that until the bad area of the nail is removed then treat the nail bed for 2 weeks and it will be gone. It’s useless trying to treat it through the nail itself. 😉

  • Steven Phelps says:

    This man is a brilliant doctor. I can’t tell you how much weight I lost, because of I suffered from thyroid trouble. Thank you for helping me and the world with your extraordinary gifts to educate us on health care. God bless you and yours. I thank you for helping extend my life at 60 ❤️ 🙏

    • sandi tarin says:

      Did you start with one drop per day?

    • Pikrodafni says:

      Where I live they put iodine in cattle/chicken food so only vegans really go without, but I’m hypothyroid and just to make sure I get a reasonable amount I’m taking 150mcg iodine pill a week, or every ten days. And suddenly I started losing weight…

    • Steven Phelps says:

      @sandi tarin yes!😊

    • bartginger123 says:

      @Steven Phelps How many drops did you work up to? Daily or so many days a week? It’s nice to hear from people who have good results.

  • Mark Hoey says:

    Love the concise videos. Far too often you have to sit through 30-40 min videos to get to the key info but these circa 5 min videos are a godsend. Thanks Dr. Berg!

  • Archaic Leo says:

    Iodine has helped my periods go from a heavy flow and lasting up to 7 days sometimes, to now 3-4 days, low flow with one slightly heavier day.
    No cramps, either! (Ditching tampons and using a menstrual cup also helps this.)

    • happyads says:

      Thankyou I will mention this to my missus she has terrible periods too

    • Archaic Leo says:

      @happy ads I hope it helps! It took about 6 months of mostly consistent iodine usage to notice a difference but it’s worth it. Each month was a bit better than the last.
      One other thing that helps with cramps and PMS is red raspberry leaf tea – has to be the leaf and not just a raspberry tea. I find mine at a local health food store. 🙂

    • Archaic Leo says:

      @happy ads I hope it helps! It took about 6 months of mostly consistent iodine usage to notice a difference but it’s worth it. Each month was a bit better than the last.
      One other thing that helps with cramps and PMS is red raspberry leaf tea – has to be the leaf and not just a raspberry tea. I find mine at a local health food store. 🙂

    • happyads says:

      @Archaic Leo brilliant thankyou 💪

    • Liv says:

      Thank you. I suffer from very heavy menstrual cycle. It leaves me depleted. I will try this

  • Toska Moon says:

    After being vegan/vegetarian (alternating), I didn’t realize until watching this that I’ve been severely iodine deficient almost my entire life (veg since I was 8 y/o). Like, it’s nearly nonexistent in my diet. I’ve had a collection of symptoms I couldn’t explain for the longest time, and now it all makes sense. I’m going to try an iodine supplement asap. Thank you ;;

    • TheDukeOfEarl says:

      Any update? Have your various symptoms been resolved with iodine supplementation?

    • May13Tiffanyyy says:

      Same!!!!!! The realization that this is me hit me like a ton of bricks!!! A plethora of symptoms including depression and swollen thyroid. I just put some iodized salt on some peanut butter and I instantly felt like a million bucks!!! I can’t believe it. Also some of the recent swelling that had been in my throat for about a week has slightly subsided. It’s been about 30 minutes since taking salt.

    • A G says:

      Hows it going y’all?

  • David Renwick says:

    My partner began buying Himalayan rock salt after I moved in and my Iodised sea salt was gradually used-up. Thanks Dr Berg for the reminder to get some “proper” salt. We may have a genetic predisposition to Hashimoto’s as two siblings have it.

    • Candy Garfield says:

      Iodized sea salt, regular supermarket baking aisle or specialty store?

    • Edna Armstrong says:

      I buy iodine sea salt always 😋, I can’t stand real salt anymore. I have thyroid problems also trying to lose weight but can’t. Going to try Iodine.

    • TinaMfam says:

      Iodine is naturally in the pink salt just not as much as when it’s added

    • Pikrodafni says:

      Be warned that this “proper salt” comes with microscopic bits of plastic. I switched to Himalayan salt as well, but I get iodine from meat, eggs and dairy.

  • Barbara says:

    Thanks so much Dr Berg. You are awesome! Always coming up with just the perfect information and so timely. I have issues regarding thyroid. Have always had questions about iodine usage. I really appreciate you and your videos.

    • Dr. Eric Berg DC says:

      You’re very welcome! Happy to help!

    • favorite Jesus baby says:

      Good evening doctor, can iodine salt help in treating thyroid function

    • SiWeX says:

      @Dr. Eric Berg DC Hello Doctor, can you take iodine supplement if you take Synthroid for hypothyroidism?

    • The overcomers says:

      ​@Dr. Eric Berg DC pls doc I have the life flo liquid one n the color is white. It says 3 drops to water. But when I taste it I don’t taste anything but the water. Wats the right dosage to take pls?

    • Sydney Ayers says:

      @The overcomers i read someones comment that when u r i need of the iodine u usually dont taste it…but as u get your needed levels up u begin to taste it…and thats why this person puts hers in coffee, to hide the taste…but she is now at her right level …gradually it changed as far as taste …hope that makes sense…blessings

  • Count your pennies says:

    Thank you Dr. Berg for the video. This sounds awesome. Just for clarification and safety purposes, can you tell me which liquid iodine supplement you recommend me to use for my skin and mouth? Google was saying iodine can cause necrosis so that kind of got me scared. Would rather ask than start experimenting .thank you again.

  • Robyn Quinn-Hakeem says:

    You forgot one major thing. I’ve only been using iodine for a few months now and I use nascent iodine and I no longer need glasses at all. I used to have a stigmatism and I don’t know if my vision was just blocked because of all of the bromine and all of the other chemicals that the iodine cleared out for me because I’m not a doctor so I don’t understand all of it. But I’ve never been able to read without blurry vision and now I have no blurry vision at all, and the colors are brighter than they’ve ever been.

    • M TJ says:

      Which brand are you using?

    • Karen Garcia says:

      Solid point ! Congrats 🎉

    • Queen Ruth says:

      Hi, can you please tell us what particular brand of nascent iodinr you are using until now?

    • Kevin Hancock says:

      That’s interesting as I’ve only needed glasses for reading during last year and lately wiped out . I’m wondering if need a good through check up I had some bloods a while ago . But we’re OK I have a congenital thyroid issue but simce had it removed (years ago) so not sire ifbits a thyroid issue or maybe they need to do more thorough thyroxine checks and functions

    • Julia Forde says:

      Wow I’m definitely going to try!

  • Lovemelodyjane says:

    I’ve been using iodine to control my hypothyroidism for 5 years. It put me in range in 3 months and I figured out the dose that’s right for my body to keep me in range. My own doctor was amazed.

    • Rocko99 Rocko99 says:

      Thank you, I’m going to try this

    • T H says:

      Continued GOOD HEALTH for you! Do you mind sharing with us your method and strategy for using this supplement?

    • Michael B. says:

      It always amazes me when we take control of our own health and doctors are more amazed that we did it without them and their chemical produced products without them and their say.

    • Jill H says:

      Essential oil thyroid blend fixed mine. Hypo for 8 yrs. Took oils on thyroid for few Mos forgot quite often… 6 mos later blood work no levo script…I asked Dr where’s my script…they were like- for what? 😅

    • Steve Thomas says:

      How much iodine were you consuming each day, given the Recommended Daily Intake is 150 mcg?

      I have an overactive thyroid and have recently reduced my intake of iodine which seems to have helped, but was just interested in your consumption as you have the oppositie problem to me.

  • GEKKO says:

    Great info. I knew about the iodine test, but I was unaware of so many positive benefits. Thank you Dr. Berg for this info. I also like the fact that it is relatively short but packed with so many valeable points.

  • StmGnr8trU2B says:

    Dr. Berg, *thank you* for this timely (for me) and very _VALUABLE_ advice! I was able to rid myself of warts and fungus.

    Lately, come to think of it, my mood is more buoyant than it used to be. I have a better outlook on life.

    I’ve used the _liquid form,_ and it got rid of a fungus on a fingernail!

    In addition, I had some ugly warts on my middle and index fingers, on the inside, which I always had to hide with band-aids.

    I bought some of the Dr. Berg sea kelp…

    …as well as a
    _ capsule form_ at the local health food store.

    Those two forms, primarily, have shrunk the warts so that they are almost completely gone!

    The label on the 90-capsule bottle, health-food brand says…

    12,500 micrograms per capsule (12.5 mg)

    6060 micrograms
    Potassium iodide

    6060 micrograms
    Sodium iodide

    380 micrograms
    Molecular iodine
    (from kelp)

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