Does Resveratrol Benefit Our Metabolic Health?

The real benefits of resveratrol supplements. Which conditions have they been shown to help?

This is the second in a four-video series on resveratrol. Does Resveratrol Make You Live Longer? ( ) was the first one. Stay tuned for Resveratrol Tested for Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, and Osteoporosis ( ) and Side Effects of Resveratrol Supplements ( ).

What about just drinking wine? See Is It Better to Drink a Little Alcohol Than None at All? ( ).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Dave McKinnon

  • @milani-wl4xz says:

    Freedom and justice for Palestine. 🌺💚

  • @odettabrownwood says:

    Alhamdulliah 💝🐱

  • @evelinlegardarosero7088 says:

    Muchas gracias la normación, muy importante

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    Should everyone consider taking the anti-aging drugs metformin and rapamycin? Find out in my live 90-minute webinar on Friday, June 14, starting at 2pm ET. Register here:

    • @rappar9673 says:

      Doctor, please, I don’t have enough free time to watch long videos. I’m looking forward to your short formats, like these, on those themes. Much obliged in advance. 🙂

  • @JappaKneads says:

    If its not naturally and adequately abundant in any of its whole foods, what’s the big deal?

    • @kukensson says:

      Are you simple or something?

    • @Mr.N0.0ne says:

      B12 isn’t abundant in any plant foods and it’s a pretty big deal. Resveratrol, in my opinion, is a fad that’s long overdue going away. David Sinclair touted it as an anti-aging molecule and now he’s promoting some other substances that probably won’t pan out either. But it sure does keep the funding going into his lab and gives him a very comfortable lifestyle.

    • @CRM-114 says:

      Food alone can’t cure aging.

    • @chiyerano says:

      It can help people bring down blood sugar levels and make certain conditions from diabetes like lower limb and foot ulcers more manageable. That’s the big deal.

    • @JappaKneads says:

      @Mr.N0.0ne  notice I said *”adequately abundant”* meaning – having enough to be effective.

      you only need B12 in trace amounts to for it be effective.

  • @Mr.N0.0ne says:

    Resveratrol, in my opinion, is a fad that’s long overdue going away. David Sinclair touted it as an anti-aging molecule and now he’s promoting some other substances that probably won’t pan out either. But it sure does keep the funding going into his lab and gives him a very comfortable lifestyle.

    • @chiyerano says:

      At least he is still correct in stating that animal based foods do not protect against anything and just help make cells, including cancer cells, grow.

  • @rappar9673 says:

    In other words: a nothingburger. Nonetheless, this is how we learn. It was a good thing this substance was found and we tested it, so is science. Now we move on.

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