How to Regrow Hair (the Two Causes of Hair Loss) – Dr. Berg

Going bald? These are the best natural ways to regrow your hair.

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0:00 Introduction: The two cases of hair loss
0:28 Vitamin Deficiencies and hair loss
2:45 Hormones and hair loss
3:45 Hair Formula supplement
4:51 Thanks for watching

In this video, we’re going to talk about hair loss and the best remedies for regrowing your hair.

There are two primary causes of hair loss: nutritional deficiencies (loss of trace minerals, type 1 and 3 collagen loss, silica, biotin, or b-vitamins) and hormone imbalances (often due to high levels of DHT, which is a potent type of testosterone).

Both of these problems can be mitigated by getting more trace minerals, B vitamins, vitamin C, and silica in your diet.

Stinging nettle root can inhibit DHT. This helps alopecia and male pattern baldness.

The idea that using hair products that contain vitamins and collagen will somehow absorb into your hair and stop hair loss doesn’t really work in the real world.

You have to get nutrients orally for them to make a difference when it comes to hair growth.

The best remedies to regrow hair are:
• Trace minerals
• Collagen type 1 and 3
• Silica
• B vitamins (nutritional yeast)
• Vitamin C
• Stinging nettle root

I created an easy-to-use Hair Formula product that contains all of these ingredients. Check it out, and let me know how it works for you.

Thanks for watching. I hope this helped explain how to stop hair loss and the best remedies to regrow your hair. I’ll see you in the next video.

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Call 1-540-299-1556 with your questions about Dr. Berg's products. Product Advisors are available Monday through Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am-5pm EST.

* At this time, we no longer offer Keto Consulting and our Product Advisors will only be advising on which product is best for you and advise on how to take them.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketosis

Dave McKinnon

  • Viva los pepes says:

    Dr. Berg so many people appreciate you and your wife Karen. Your are knowledgeable , articulate you have a great low-key sense of humor . You are an excellent teacher! You’re passionate about the information you give to us. It is a joy listening to all of your videos. Happy New Year to you and your family. Thank you again Dr Berg.

  • Taja Gee says:

    He’s awesome! Thankyou doctor for explaining the science behind it all and holistic ways to tackle issues. I love your channel 💯

  • ArtfullDawn says:

    Thank you so much for this information on hair. You make everything easy to understand. There is so much information out there which can be confusing. I now have hopes that I can grow my female receding hairline back. I’m definitely going to give it a try!

  • Ghost rider says:

    If only our doctors were like you . Your doing good work keep it up.

    • AeonSaint says:

      There is. I lost my hair last year, due to changing to keto and several personal reasons.
      As soon as I started watching out for the vitamins and trace minerals and adding those to my daily intake, my hair started growing back.
      I had the last of my hair shaved off at the start of September last year, started taking additional vitamins and trace minerals then.
      My hair is regrowing and healthy and abundant again (the longest strands are 17 cm now).
      I can tell you, for a woman that’s used to having long, lush hair (really long, like down to my hips), going bald was a horror.

    • Andy Man says:

      did you use colloidal minerals?

    • AeonSaint says:

      @Andy Man I used a multi-vitamin complex and an extra dose of amino acids. I also started using nutritional yeast to get those B Vitamins rolling.
      I found all of that out on my own though, somehow I missed this video in my research.
      Basically, what he advises on is what I did and it worked.

    • Andy Man says:

      did you know your body cannot use vitamins without the requisite minerals ?

    • AeonSaint says:

      @Andy Man That is why I used a multi-vitamin complex, which also has all the needed trace minerals.

      The more interesting question is, why did you change your original question after I answered?
      I spent a lot of time finding out what was going on in my body, and the fact that my hair is growing back as strong and lush as it used to be, indicates that I am on the right track.

  • Muslim And Proud says:

    I love you dr.berg 😊
    The best doctor ever, simplifies everything in a very calm , enjoyable and interesting way ❤

  • Selene Fu says:

    I naturally have thick, brown hair. They tend to fall out and then regrow with a lot of sticking out baby hair, and it is kind of on going process since I can remember. Around 8 months ago they started to dramatically fall out, they were everywhere around in my house. I was afraid to comb them, because everytime a touched, washed them they would fall out. I was terryfied. They got very thin in structure, too. I went to see a doctor to run some blood tests, and I was sure there must be something wrong with my thyroid. I was really suprised to see, that my blood results, kidneys, thyroid were all fine, but I had a huge vit. D deficiency. I got a prescription for 20 000 units to take once a week, and after 6 months everything went back to normal. Greetings from Poland.

  • Teresa S says:

    Great info. As a hairstylist, I always recommend Horsetail to my clients who are thinning. I also recommend a dandruff shampoo as it clears the pores/follicles which will also help – this is good for men and women. Our heads are hot and can be oily or the shampoo you use can have oils and waxes which will be exfoliated with dandruff shampooor clarifying shampoo (this will remove some of your dye if you hair color though)

    • MrTruth111 says:

      horsetail worked wonders for me, and I make home made bone broth, has tons of nutrients as well

    • Diya Ciwan says:

      @MrTruth111 How do you use horsetail?

    • MrTruth111 says:

      @Diya Ciwan find or buy good quality, cut it finely and then boil it in water 10 min, and drink the water when it is cooled off.

    • Diya Ciwan says:

      @MrTruth111🙋‍♀️🌸 What is the benefit of the horsetail plant, can you explain to us?

    • MrTruth111 says:

      @Diya Ciwan Horsetail is rich in silica, our bodies need it, but mainstream doesnt even list it as essential. Combined with vitamin C our bodies need it to form collagen, without silica the collagen is not flexible or abundant.

  • Danielle Guzman says:

    Thank you dr berg for existing and being a great mentor in health. ❤️

  • Steven Harris says:

    He talks about a lot of natural stuff. We need more doctors like him.

  • Bella Angelus says:

    I’ve been diagnosed with alopecia by several doctors and it runs in my family. My nutrition has been poor for several years (which I’m working on changing that and making progress) and I’m sure this has contributed to even more hair loss. It’s gotten to where I’m getting self conscious because I’ve lost so much and it’s very noticeable. A dermatologist suggested that I have my own red blood cells injected into my scalp, which costs a lot of money and it’s not proven to re-grow hair. It’s crazy!

    • Grant P says:

      The “only”way I can see this being done, is by going into the human genome
      of a person, and detecting this faulty genes before hair loss happens, and
      then, you’d have no male pattern baldness.

      What causes baldness in men, is that for some reason the hair follicle dies,
      from instructions, from these faulty genes. What they do in hair transplants
      is cut out “healthy living follicles” with hair still in them, and their usually
      taken from the neck area, or lower hairline, and a new hold is punctured in
      the scalp, and this new hair follicle is transplanted there, and Voila, you then
      have hair growth from this “living hair follicle.” It’s the only way.

    • Wiilka Hargeysa jecel says:

      @Grant P There Are Othe Way To Regrow New Hair follicle but Hair transpalent,

    • Coolnetworks says:

      @Wiilka Hargeysa jecel Which other ways?

    • O MC says:

      I had scarring alopecia and was losing my hair in patches very fast. Dr. Couldn’t do anything except steroid shots. I decided to not take them. I went on a two month diet eating absolutely nothing processed and only drinking water. my alopecia stopped. Didn’t grow hair back but it’s been over 4 years now and pretty much still have the same amount of hair. Just a suggestion

    • Joanne Clark says:

      How the hair … did you chg diet ?

  • MJ T says:

    Thank you Dr. Berg❤️. We need more doctors like you.

  • Maartje says:

    Thank you so much Dr Berg for always coming up with various health advice for people from all walks of life. You give us a new perspective on how to look at our own health. God bless you always Dr Berg !!! I😍😍😍

  • Kentavious444 says:

    There are a lot of factors involved with hair loss. Different factors affect different people differently. Dr. Bergs advice here is sound nutritional advice and will help if your problem is a nutrient deficiency. There are genetic factors that make baldness more likely in some people but that does not mean there is no defense. Stress is also a major factor as well as bad bacteria and viruses. Hair loss could be an indicator of other more serious health problems.

    • RoboMind says:

      Or it could just be Androgenetic alopecia and presently there is no cure. You can be calm, excited, depressed, happy, outgoing, introverted, stressed, relaxed. Some of these may cause temporary hair thinning but Androgenetic alopecia does not care about any of that. Just like shingles, alopecia doesn’t care.

    • Joanne Clark says:

      Have you heard if bad bacteria a d viruses that would do these?
      And if so wouldn’t we need more nutrients and vitamin?

  • Rebecca Misterly says:

    I lost so much hair after I was in a 16 day coma from a ruptured appendix, then when I was pregnant with twins I lost so much , thanks dr these videos really helped me get it all back. Also these videos have helped me understand how to loose weight and I went from a bmi of 50 to now my bmi is 27

  • B Jacob says:

    Awesome content, doc! I am getting to love this guy! Must try your product too pronto! Thanks for all that you do, doc! Keep up the great spirit always and may you abound in bountiful health always!

  • Dana M says:

    The Dr. Berg videos are my “go to” for basically all treatments I need, so much valuable information. Thank you Dr. Berg!

  • Alan Skyrme says:

    My wife is losing her hair – probably due to the medication she has been taking to treat her psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Having seen Dr Berg’s videos on those subjects I am sure the root cause for all of these issues is a gut deficiency that could be treated with improved diet. Yet doctors here all seem to ignore the nutritional aspects. Frustrating! Thanks Dr B👍🏼

  • MediaIS Thevirus says:

    Dr. Berg is the type of human that the media and big pharma goons would label as misinformation conspiracy theorist. You are doing gods work sir

  • Barking Shark says:

    We need more functional doctors like you.

  • Age Defying Forever says:

    You are amazing, doctor. Thank you for educating me and providing natural alternatives

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