Preserving Your Muscles as You Age

Find out how to help prevent muscle loss associated with aging with these 6 tips.


0:00 Introduction: How to prevent muscle loss with aging
0:23 Sarcopenia
1:32 Estrogen and age-related muscle loss
2:55 Cholesterol and muscle loss
4:08 Melatonin and muscle loss
5:25 Six ways to salvage your hormones to prevent muscle loss as you age

In this video, we’re going to talk about preventing muscle loss due to aging. At around age 50, women go through menopause which causes hormonal changes. Men experience hormonal changes around age 60.

As you age and your hormones change, you can become deficient in skeletal muscle. This is known as sarcopenia. Around 40% of your metabolism is related to your muscles, so this can have detrimental effects.

In women, estrogen decreases with age, but progesterone drops even lower. Without progesterone, you end up with a lot of problems from estrogen.

Cholesterol is a building block for steroid hormones, like testosterone and estrogen, which directly affect your muscles. This is why low-cholesterol and low-fat diets can cause muscle loss. Coincidentally, this is why you see muscle damage and diseases associated with statin drugs.

Here are 6 ways to protect and support your hormones to help prevent muscle loss as you age:

1. Infrared light can increase melatonin. Sunlight, fire, and candles all provide infrared light.

2. Regular, consistent, resistance exercise is the most potent stimulator of muscle building.

3. Ensure adequate intake of high-quality animal protein. Aim for .8 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day.

4. Consume plenty of cholesterol from meat and dairy.

5. Try pregnenolone supplements. Start out with 30 mg per day for women and 100 mg for men.
Pregnenolone is a precursor for important hormones related to muscle building.

6. DHEA is a precursor for hormones that help build muscle. Try 25 mg for women and 100 mg for men.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! Try these tips to help reverse muscle loss due to aging. I’ll see you in the next video.

Dave McKinnon

  • @nellosnook4454 says:

    Thanks Dr. Berg! 💪
    1. I’m a healthy 65 yo, Carnivore, IF devotee.
    2. Additionally, I engage in CONSISTENT daily MIIT exercise.
    3. Moderate Intensity Intermittent Training.
    4. Injury avoidance & CONSISTENCY are my two priorities for health & longevity.

  • @faithsfarmlife1424 says:

    I never had any menopause symptoms. But I had eight kids I think that’s why I never had migraines, or cramps,

  • @utsav3721 says:

    Why does every video of yours feels so important? It’s like you have a directory of medical issues that most of the people people face but never google.

  • @shamsulazhar says:

    I like the audio level of this video. Some of your older videos have pretty low audio levels. Glad that it has improved.

    • @wonderming1 says:

      Looks like he’s using a different mic. This one might not require as much gain as the other one. I noticed the level is better, too.

  • @rathinawellbalakrishnan879 says:

    Thanks Dr.Berg for your marvelous information to human kind health is wealth.

  • @user-fv5ms4sz8e says:

    I really needed to hear this. I never had any health issues, until after I swapped out my Star Trek flip phone Communicator, for a Smart Phone and spending a lot of time on it. I always feel better after being outside. Thanks Dr.

  • @helenevion5948 says:

    Awesome 👏 lots of people asking about this now. Especially in relation with fasting.

  • @aquacitydigital3316 says:

    Thank you for this video. Your videos have made a huge difference in improving my health!

  • @containedhurricane says:

    Resistance exercises are very important to strengthen our muscles, which will eventually prevent our bones from osteoporosis

  • @1999TransAmWS6 says:

    Great video, I agree with all of it. Diet and exercise is so important. Sadly few people do it.

    I’m a 47yo male. I’ve been exercising daily and eating a healthy diet for almost 29 years. Other than when I’m on vacation, I’ve never missed a single day of exercising. 4 days weight lifting, 3 days cardio. I do long dog walks in the evening and stay active gardening, Etc. My main diet consists of meat, lots of eggs, lots of vegetables, and occasional fruit. I almost never eat corn, wheat, sugar, and avoid all seed oils. I only use butter, olive, and coconut oil.

    My recent stats were perfect. A1C of 41, BP of 105/62, Resting heart rate of 48, triglycerides of 48, LDL of 92, HDL of 68. I take zero prescription drugs. I always find it amusing for a doctor checkup, the nurse is in shock when she asks what prescription drugs I take when I say none. 😂

    This isn’t a comment to brag, it’s to show that it is possible to live a healthy prescription medicine free life into old age with proper diet and exercise. I absolutely do not have genetics on my side either. My dad was 450lbs and had a quadruple bypass at age 59. His dad was 400lbs and had a triple bypass at age 68. My brother is obese and the majority of my moms family are overweight and obese. I refuse to go down that path.

    • @musicman7297 says:

      47 , you’re a youngster. 😂

    • @1999TransAmWS6 says:

      @@musicman7297 Yes and no. All the people around me that are a similar age are still incredibly unhealthy and on multiple medications, statins, Etc. I can’t imagine what their lives will be like when they hit or if they reach 60s and beyond. It’s lifelong decisions that determine someone’s health as they age.

    • @urmomhutchins3494 says:

      Awesomeness! 💪💛

    • @josephcernansky1794 says:

      Dude…When I was 45…worked TWO 8-hour shifts unloading trucks at 2 different warehouses…..then at 52 starting working in a distribution center, walked 20 to 36 miles on 10-to-12-hour shifts…..and I grew up with the Motto…”Eat, Drink and Be Merry or Pissed Off! LOL I NEVER did a damn thing to take care of my health….I grew up on a family farm…eat fruits and veggies right out of the ground or off the tree, ate as much meat as we butchered, drank a gallon of REAL whole cow’s milk EVERY DAY for over 60 years of my life, got plenty drunk in my youth….even smoked from age 12 to 25…..was very athletic…cycling racing, trained over 100 miles per day…did all sorts of physical work and activities…damaged nearly every joint, tendon, ligament in my body, NEVER had any surgeries to “repair” them(natural healing)… and ONLY now at 65 am I experiencing any “abnormalities”. Which are rapidly being addressed and “healing” within a couple months…….MY blood tests which were EXTENSIVE for the work I did in environmental assessments and cleanups of some of the MOST toxic and deadly things you never even heard of…..was SO PERFECT…at first they would draw a second round of blood (Multiple test tubes to complete all the tests) because they thought the lab screwed up! I ate everything and anything. Enjoyed all sorts of foods at any time in any amounts. AND my A1C is still below 5.6! My cholesterol is norm, blood pressure at 127/82, uric acid below 5, etc., etc. At 65 now, I still put in 10 to 12 hours on the job, although it’s a supervisory work with little to no physical effort. But at home I do all sorts of physical work hours after day job and on weekends. SOOO….WHY BRAG? Because EACH OF US IS UNIQUE…and DIFFERENT!! GLAD you are doing well and taking care of your health…one LESS BURDEN on the REST of US to take care of you!! And BTW…My ethnic heritage is such that ALL of the older people lived well into their 90’s or OVER 100…and a man is his 40’s is considered a YOUNG MAN!! Middle age is more like 65 to 75. ALL of my great grandmothers had between 12 to 15 children. Two of them had their last (healthy) babies at 48 and 50! So maybe you just need to BUY yourself some GOOD new Jeans?! LOL

  • @tinacox9526 says:

    Awesome info been doing fasting and keto for 2 years and now on carnivore diet to improve hubby health thanks for sharing

  • @1edkihm says:

    I’ve been exercising regularly since I was 18, and now I’m 18 with 43 years of experience.

  • @David-qx8jm says:

    60 year old
    I’ve done heavy lifting and endurance training pretty much all adult life.
    As of now I don’t have any muscle loss so far. Actually I’m growing muscle still.
    Im going on the old rule of work it or lose it. And a limit is ment to be challenged. Never stop moving.
    Great vid and info Doc

  • @Lumi_OF_Girl says:

    I get 15-20 minutes of sunlight almost every day for Vit D and melatonin in the morning or late afternoon

  • @shion_lwn says:

    thank you for the important information !!

  • @nanomyou5 says:

    0. Circadian light exposure + grounding + enough deep sleep (melatonin + zinc , timed release)
    1. Lipo-Carnivore (you need fats too) as WOMAD or TOMAD
    2. HEAVY resistance training (less endurance training) with adequate rest (muscle grows at rest)
    3. Fasting to maximize growth hormone
    4. HCL + enzymes to ensure
    5. Additional EAAs during/after training
    6. Hormone precursors

  • @nevastrong2850 says:

    I’m 55 & very active. At 52 pre-menopause started. Muscle tone went down, energy & some symptoms of hormone loss were extreme. After 2 years of finding the right hormone treatment, I’m 90% back to where I was. Dr Berg videos have been life-improving for me. This video oozes solutions that work. Ladies-don’t allow hormone changes to keep you down. Study options & remain diligent in finding what works for you. I look <40 & feel amazing!! Thank you Dr Berg! Happy Valentine’s Day! 💙💙🙏🏻🧬💪🏻🏃🏼‍♀️

  • @tamitatangoto5134 says:

    One online doctor said that “exercise is the closest thing we have to the fountain of youth.”❤🎉❤🎉

  • @mombeaubob says:

    I am 80. My doctor told me my high cholesterol keeps her awake at night . I said , “Does my low blood pressure keep you awake, too?” She did not answer. No clogged arteries. No signs of heart disease. Still firm with strong muscles. I quit sugar in my 30’s. That is my answer.

  • @Rajpalbrarsaharan says:

    Honest personality nd no1 doctor of this temporary world. ❤❤

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