The Best MOUNJARO Alternative (without the Side Effects)

Discover the benefits and side effects of Mounjaro™ as well as the best natural alternative.

Video on Ozempic:


0:00 Introduction: Mounjaro for weight loss
0:14 What is Mounjaro?
0:27 Mounjaro benefits
0:40 Does Mounjaro work?
1:08 Mounjaro side effects
2:28 How Mounjaro works
2:54 The best Mounjaro alternative
5:30 Learn how to do the keto diet and intermittent fasting!

Let’s talk about Mounjaro. Mounjaro is a similar medication to Ozempic®, but some studies show it may work better.

Both of these medications are primarily used for regulating blood sugar levels but have also been found to help with weight loss. Anything that helps improve blood sugar levels will help you lose weight.

Potential benefits of Mounjaro include supporting healthy blood sugar levels and weight loss and improving insulin resistance and A1C.

Mounjaro may work, but it’s very expensive and can have serious side effects. Mounjaro also doesn’t correct the root cause of blood sugar problems or weight gain. You have to keep taking the medication for it to work.

While long-term side effects are unknown, short-term side effects of Mounjaro may include:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Gastroparesis
• Abdominal pain
• Dizziness
• Lethargy
• Low blood sugar
• Kidney disease
• Retinopathy

There are fantastic natural alternatives to Mounjaro that you can take advantage of long-term. Overall, this is a healthy lifestyle change instead of a short-term, very expensive drug approach.

The best natural alternatives to Mounjaro:
1. Berberine
2. Curcumin
3. Cinnamon
4. Panax ginseng
5. Healthy Keto® with intermittent fasting

Choose one of the above remedies for weight loss in addition to doing the Healthy Keto diet with intermittent fasting to lose weight healthily and keep the weight off.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the benefits and side effects of Mounjaro. I’ll see you in the next video.

Dave McKinnon

  • Universal Patriots says:

    Who else loves Dr Berg ?

  • CN says:

    I greatly appreciate the newsletter from Dr. Berg! ❤ It would be interesting to find out what countries allow DDT pesticides on organic produce in stores 🤨

  • marrie luiting says:

    I had a sugar level of 22.5 WoW and took no medications, after 14 days it is now 7.2, so I am happy with my Keto diet and of course grateful for this good explanation. ❤ Greetings from the Nederlands 😊

  • Didra LaMond says:

    My doctor originally ordered for me to take Ozempic but my insurance didn’t cover anything and it would have cost me $939 at the lowest rate. I had to make the change for my body and health and I approached this journey as a long term lifestyle change as well as Dr. Berg as stated. “Get healthy to lose weight” and I started IF and Keto and my blood sugar has lowered and my BP is more manageable.

  • Clayton Inman says:

    Keto and fasting. It always comes back to this. Simple and amazing.

  • Linda A says:

    Appreciate the natural alternatives!!! Thanks Dr. Berg!!! 🩷

    • Dr. Eric Berg DC says:

      Glad to hear that! Most welcome!

    • Banana Bob says:

      LOVE the natural alternatives!

    • ramboversion01 says:


      Hi Dr Berg, I’ve listened to your videos for a while now. I’ve made some really positive changes with Healthy Keto (more calories from healthy fat) and Intermittent fasting alongside excerise. I’ve lost over 5 stone in total. Your information has directly contributed to my new healthier lifestyle. I’m wondering what you make of the shake Hlth Code. Could you look at the ingredients and give your verdict?

  • Mike K says:

    In 2019, I had a physical exam- I weighed 239 lbs and had 193/126 blood pressure- some of that could have been the whole “white coat” syndrome, but I knew I had to change immediately.

    I spent a small fortune on a home gym and for the first 2 years, I lifted weights 6 days/week (I know- excessive) and I got to 212 lbs.

    I then quit eating sugar along with everything above, and got to 205.

    I then got my hormone levels checked and discovered I had VERY low T and stated TRT under the care of a hormone doctor- literally the most life changing thing I’ve done in the last 15 years- so many great things happened!

    I then started a ketogenic diet after watching so much content on this channel and it got me all the way to my goal.

    I’m 44, 6’2”, 190 lbs, blood pressure is NORMAL, I’ve put on significant amounts of muscle and I actually have a 6 pack for the first time since I was 22. If you are not happy with the shape you’re in, you can change it!!!

  • fidel catsro says:

    While long-term side effects are unknown, short-term side effects of Mounjaro may include:
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Constipation
    • Gastroparesis
    • Abdominal pain
    • Dizziness
    • Lethargy
    • Low blood sugar
    • Kidney disease
    • Retinopathy

    There are fantastic natural alternatives to Mounjaro that you can take advantage of long-term. Overall, this is a healthy lifestyle change instead of a short-term, very expensive drug approach.

    The best natural alternatives to Mounjaro:
    1. Berberine
    2. Curcumin
    3. Cinnamon
    4. Panax ginseng
    5. Healthy Keto® with intermittent fasting

    Thank you Dr Berg!🐱👍🏿

  • Linda Hockham says:

    Several months ago Dr. Berg suggested a recipe published on an idea based platform. It gave the recipe for a fat bomb: 1/2 cup butter 8 oz pkg of cream cheese 1/3 cup of powdered stevia 1 tbsp cinnamon. Blend all four ingredients together and freeze overnight. I use the smallest aluminum loaf pan for this. In the morning I slice into 8 servings. The test of efficacy I used was to consume a slice with my morning coffee having taken a blood test before and 1 hour after consumption. It had indeed lowered my sugar by 2 points. Hope other listeners find this helpful.🇨🇦❤️

  • Shanelie says:

    Mounjaro was absolutely life-changing for me, but I am unable to get it anymore. I am desperate for a natural substance that has the same effect on the brain; it was absolutely amazing, not thinking about food and craving sugar all the time. I’m in school to be a traditional naturopath, so I know there must be some foundational health issue that causes the cravings and food obsession. I can’t wait to learn more so I can help heal myself. I appreciate your videos so so much, Dr. Berg!

  • Jonni says:

    Thank you Dr. Berg for this information.
    The Berberine is a miracle 👏🏾🙌🏾
    My Dr gave me Wegovy for weight loss. I only had the first dose of 4 injections as it is on back order. What a blessing. I did lose weight quickly (a few lbs) and now I’m just eating healthy again and continuing to slowly lose weight. I have co-workers that have lost from the injections and look fantastic. But you are right in that they struggle when not on the drug. I’m thankful the prescription has not come in as it’s been months. I don’t need any risk of side effects unnecessarily.
    (Baby Boomer) 🥰😁👌🏾😎

  • Goki’s fish nursery says:

    Thanks for everything Dr Berg!❤

  • Jay Dee says:

    Besides the side effects… the labels read rapid weight gain when you stop using those injectables. I’m at very high risk for cancer and decided to cut out as much processed foods and change my relationship with food. I use many of your keto recipes and I do 72, 48 and 12 hour fasting. Started 3 months ago and I’m down 40lbs… 20 more to go and I will continue to maintain without crap food. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!!

    I wanted to add in that I had a friend start ozembic around the same time and she posts pics of her crap foods she’s continuing to eat and relying on the injections to lose her weight (granted she started around 280lbs). I just worry when she stops the meds. I want, so much, to send her your videos.

  • Hen Byrd says:

    Thank you Dr Berg. Walking IF eating plant based grilled salmon here and there eating sensibly….i am good. Not gonna live forever. You are a blessing. Again ..thank you

  • Jonni says:

    I take check my glucose every morning and the Berberine and/or Cinnamon both work for me. I’m pre-diabetic and getting my numbers down to 100 and less. I have learned not to eat after 7pm and no sugar or minimal sugar in diet. I put cinnamon, ginger and collagen powder in my coffee ☕️ every morning. 👌🏾. Works for me 🙌🏾

  • G19amc says:

    For me. best weight loss and no longer pre-diabetic, no more fatty liver, and finally (apparently) no more thyroid issues. Started keto June 10,2022, went full carnivore 24 June, 2022. Down 106lbs, was size 46 now size 32 and I weight less than the day I retired from active duty 7yra ago.

  • CM Galaxy Jam says:

    I love how everything comes back to healthy keto and intermittent fasting! Whether it’s obesity, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis…almost every chronic health issue can be fixed or prevented by following Dr. Berg’s healthy keto and intermittent fasting plan.

    • All about my cats says:

      If you ever have any doubts about it, just take a stroll down the food aisles in your supermarket. Put on your magnifiers and read each ingredient. It won’t take you a long time to figure out and you’ll come back full circle.

  • Joy says:

    I’m having GREAT results using the berberine and panax ginseng as you suggested, along with healthy keto. My fasting number is down 20 points from its highest this morning!

  • catitude4 says:

    I use berberine, lowered carbs, got rid of sugar and eat twice a day. I lost 40 pounds without even trying. I also eat more protein, kind of ketovore.

  • Rabid Tribble says:

    Trulicity has been a huge help for getting me on a keto/intermittent fasting program. I’ve cut my “food window” to 4 hours without hunger, dropped my avg. blood sugar from 130 to 90, daily calories to 1200-1500, and shed about 30lbs in 3 months. A1c test coming up in a couple of weeks, and I’m looking forward to seeing the results.

    Note – this is all based on diet with a sedentary lifestyle. Next step is to add cardio and resistance training, which should have some amazing effects.

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