The Nutrient Deficiency That Makes You Short

Discover the most common micronutrient deficiency that can keep you on the short side.


Standard Process (Pituitrophin PMG)

0:00 Introduction: The nutrient deficiency that can stunt your growth
1:11 The pituitary gland and growth hormone
1:37 Human growth hormone
2:31 What causes a zinc deficiency?
3:36 Insulin resistance and zinc deficiency
4:34 How to support the pituitary gland and boost growth hormone
5:08 Learn more about zinc!

In this video, we’re going to take a look at how nutritional deficiencies can stunt growth. Most stunted growth is related to malnutrition. For example, a zinc deficiency can cause you to be shorter. Issues with the pituitary gland can stunt growth because the pituitary gland controls the release of growth hormone.

In children, growth hormone helps bones and muscles grow and affects height. In adults, growth hormone preserves protein in your body, aids in weight loss, and has anti-aging properties.

Amino acids stimulate human growth hormone. If you’re not consuming enough protein, growth hormone can be diminished. High blood glucose, a high-sugar diet, insulin resistance, and lack of sleep can negatively affect human growth hormone.

The liver makes a hormone known as insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1). If you're deficient in this hormone, you may end up on the shorter side. IGF-1 is also triggered by amino acids and zinc.

If you’re not consuming enough red meat, fish, and shellfish, you could end up with a zinc deficiency. There is not a lot of zinc in plant foods!

The Republic of the Congo has the highest rate of zinc deficiency. In the Republic of the Congo, the diet is primarily composed of rice, grains, corn, and cereals, which are high in phytic acid. Phytic acid blocks zinc which can create a massive zinc deficiency and affect your immune system. Stress, sugar, and insulin resistance can also cause a zinc deficiency.

Vitamin D is very important for growth, but many people are deficient. Children don't go outside as much, and they consume large amounts of junk foods, which inhibits vitamin D. Inflammation in the gut also blocks its absorption.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps explain the connection between nutritional deficiencies, stunted growth, and human growth hormone. I’ll see you in the next video.

Dave McKinnon

  • @BrowncoatBlue says:


  • @C.N.1 says:

    A molybdenum deficiency can cause an overgrowth in candida, causing an even worse yeast infection! 🎉 Don’t get mad at Dr. Berg, for what Krispy Kreme Donuts do to good health! 😂 Have a wonderful day, everyone! 🙂

  • @dorsaf360 says:

    Thank you so much doctor for the valuable information. 🙏🙏

  • @ruthvalladares2037 says:

    Very interesting info . Thanks Dr Berg!

  • @ntsika.maqungo says:

    How to grow taller:

    1) Healthy diet (preferably keto diet)
    2) Sufficient protein, zinc, Vit D
    3) Sleep
    4) Avoid junk food
    5) Reduce insulin resistance
    6) Reduce stress
    7) Exercise

  • @bordercolliegal says:

    My dutch grandad was from a family of 10. The older siblings were tall but the younger ones ended up shorter bc they went through the war where there was lack of nutrients. They didn’t starve but they didn’t have the same as their older siblings. Makes so much sense.

    • @peterantonov5568 says:

      Also, the mother got more deficient with each subsequent child which carried to the new babies.

    • @rebeccaoprea9917 says:

      That’s interesting cause my older sister and I are tall, including my brother, but the rest of the siblings are short and small.

    • @Tracy-wr7mj says:

      if you look at old architecture ..everything was made for shorter people back a few centuries..protein wasnt as common as today.

    • @brahman-atma8839 says:

      Yes, the mother’s health was compromised having 10 children.

    • @BOZ_11 says:

      @@Tracy-wr7mj i dont think that’s true. meat consumption was higher in the 60s and 70s than today

  • @miltonbates6425 says:

    If you want your kids to grow tall, strong, and healthy, feed them everyday with lots of beef, butter, cheese, milk, and slip some ground up beef liver or chicken liver into their taco meat. They’ll be little warriors.

  • @mahdi7299 says:

    00:00 🌱 Micronutrient deficiency can impact growth, and malnutrition during crucial development years may lead to stunted growth.
    01:07 🍲 Essential nutrients like iodine and zinc play a role in cognitive function and height; zinc deficiency, common in diets heavy on grains, can affect growth.
    02:29 🏋 Growth hormone, vital for growth in children, is stimulated by amino acids; inadequate protein, high sugar, and insulin resistance can diminish growth hormone levels.
    03:25 🚸 Zinc deficiency is prevalent in areas with diets high in phytic acid (found in rice, corn, etc.), impacting the immune system; stress, sugar, and junk food can contribute to zinc deficiency.
    04:18 ☀ Vitamin D deficiency is common due to limited sun exposure, poor diet, and gut inflammation; it influences growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).
    04:44 💊 Supporting the pituitary gland is crucial for growth; a product like “Pituitrophin PMG” may be beneficial for optimizing a child’s growth potential.

  • @nerdbamarich2063 says:

    Fantastic as always 😊

  • @Dr._Wan___PharmD says:

    Don’t forget about calcium and thyroid hormones that contribute to growth.

  • @teatree966 says:

    I stopped growing at 13 , 160cm
    But then at 17 I was streching everyday for 2 months and grew 1cm
    Crazy I didn’t know streching was that powerful
    If you’re a teen, I definitely recommend it do it twice a day

  • @user-dm2pm7ef1b says:

    Your channel is so amazing, thank you so much, my heart

  • @lunaenter4042 says:

    I think its already too late to grow up for me since Im already 32. But I will take the supplement anyway. Maybe miracle will come?

  • @sugarcookie9682 says:

    My cousin is 6 foot and he grew up eating cereal, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pizza, and chips, I think height is 80% genetic and 20% nutrition

  • @bigbadwolfe7849 says:

    I can agree with this. I’m 6’2 210lbs and I’m on the small side in my family. I ate crap growing up, way too much processed foods and sugar. My grandson is 16, eats very healthy and is 6’5 and weighs 190lbs. I weighed 10lbs 2oz at birth, my daughters weighed 11lbs and 10lbs respectively and are very tall girls

  • @Pa-we1lw says:

    My 10 y/o granddaughter told me she read that teenagers shouldn’t drink milk because it makes them taller and THEREFORE they are at a higher risk for bone fractures as they get older!!! This is what our children are learning in school!!! Thanks, Dr. Berg.

  • @justtango4741 says:

    I’m an adult now but am convinced I could had been taller. I had an appallingly unhealthy diet throughout my growing years and constant overuse of inhaler, despite being only mildly asthmatic.

  • @jeanhoux202 says:

    It’s mostly genetic both of my parents are short so I ended up being short too even though I eat high quality foods

  • @LeviathanXVer3 says:

    I am not sure about height but I know was malnourished going up. Lots of processed, low nutrition food. It’s a pretty stark difference when you compare your 20 year old self to your 30 year old self with a 50lb difference but you are still considered skinny.

  • @juliochingaling5824 says:

    Thank you Doc,excellent video. Blessings 🙌

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