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This is one of the best, Black Bean Burgers from the How Not to Die Cookbook. #dailydozenchallenge

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Dave McKinnon

  • @guyfawkes5012 says:

    where is the bun?
    Looks like a sad low carb burger..

    • @Jungleehunter1330 says:

      You can use a bun if you like 🙂

      They use a mushroom here to be WFPB

    • @realityisbest8963 says:

      But greasy meat with bleached flour isn’t “sad.” LOL. You can buy whole-grain bread, or make your own bread from scratch.

    • @dj-fe4ck says:

      Whole grain bread IS wfpb, and not everything has to be “whole”. Plain white rice for example is not “whole” but is clean, which is what matters more.

  • @Roarshark12 says:

    What are those spices? Is that smoked paprika, curry powder, turmeric powder and garlic powder?

  • @thatveganchick668 says:

    YUM!! 😋

  • @RabbitWatchShop says:

    Too thick 😂

  • @JustOneAsbesto says:

    I’ve tried a lot of bean burger recipes, and I’m becoming convinced that any bean burger is actually just a terrible, sad, oversized falafel.

    I’m just making falafel instead from now on.

    • @JustOneAsbesto says:

      @@pdblouin I think the size is a big problem too.

      Even if your bean patty is mushy or crumbly, it doesn’t really matter when it’s a single bite-sized thing. It falls apart in your mouth.

      If you make it burger-sized it just falls apart everywhere else, and that makes everyone sad.

    • @JustOneAsbesto says:

      @@pdblouin Non sequitur.

  • @maxinepagnotti7014 says:

    Is that fake cheese I see?

  • @sidilicious11 says:

    Looks delicious.

  • @sunnie19 says:

    This looks so good. Have to try it. 😋

  • @shrinkingtinka6875 says:

    Isnt it too dry? I like my vegan burgers moist.

  • @janetandrews7272 says:

    Whete can I find the recipe?

  • @nschmidt7 says:

    Oats are to fatten up horses and our body can not digest them a Cardiologist once told me that. I stop eating Oats and started losing weight.

    • @tristanjordan2709 says:

      No they’re not. Yes we can. No they didn’t. No you most certainly didn’t. You’re lying.

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