Why Are There No Fat People in Colorado

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Why are there no fat people in Colorado? What’s their secret?


0:00 Introduction: Why are there no fat people in Colorado?
0:37 Obesity rates in the US
1:34 Vitamin D and obesity
3:45 Age and obesity
4:04 Trends of obesity
4:52 Elevation and obesity
6:37 Vitamin D deficiency
7:07 Vitamin D and stress

Today, we’re going to look at the obesity rates in the United States. Why are there no fat people in Colorado?

Areas of the US with higher Black, Latino, and American Indian populations have higher obesity rates. The elderly have higher rates of obesity as well.

People with darker skin tones have more melanin, making it more difficult to absorb vitamin D. It also becomes more difficult to absorb vitamin D as you age.

Chronic vitamin D deficiency can lead to obesity. The more overweight a person is, the more vitamin D they need.

The characteristics of metabolic syndrome align perfectly with the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency can create inflammation, high blood glucose, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is the driving factor behind obesity. If you have insulin resistance, you have too much insulin. Insulin is a fat-storing hormone that causes you to gain weight. Vitamin D helps keep insulin sensitive, but vitamin D doesn’t work well if you have insulin resistance.

Colorado is a high-altitude state situated several thousand feet above sea level. This means it’s closer to the sun. The closer you are to the sun, the more vitamin D you’re exposed to.

Vitamin D exposure in Colorado could be the most critical variable influencing people's weight.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book "The Healthy Keto Plan" and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the importance of vitamin D and its connection to body weight. I’ll see you in the next video.

Dave McKinnon

  • @DanCantStandYA says:

    Its a lower percentage, sure, but definitely not None. Boulder has the least fat people I’ve ever experienced. Sterling Colorado has the normal 50% obesity rate.

    • @allhimwithme5115 says:

      Statistical analysis seems to be a severely lacking understanding in Dr. Berg’s audience.

    • @creativereinvestor says:

      No wonder, average price house is 740k , people are starving to death so they can pay their mortgage😂😂

    • @tupscolls776 says:


    • @tupscolls776 says:

      ⁠@@creativereinvestorI live in northern CO, I’m not fat! 😅

    • @creativereinvestor says:

      @@tupscolls776 Good for you, I don’t understand why real estate cost so much in Colorado compared to south Carolina for instance , even 50 miles away from Denver land and property is expensive

  • @andrecrosby466 says:

    There’s over 300 days of sunshine per year out here in Colorado Springs. If I’m having a bad day i just go out on a hike for about an hour and i feel better afterwards.

  • @AlphaMikeFoxtrot5150 says:

    Grew up in Colorado. Now 50 y/o, approximately 10% bodyfat and metabolically healthy. I attribute my health success to watching Dr. Berg for over 2 years now and implementing his advice into my life. Thank you, Dr. Berg!

  • @Lowell1970 says:

    Colorado is the finest place I’ve ever lived. Been living here for the last 32 years. High altitude is great for your body. I lived at 9500 feet for 10 years, best shape of my life, now i’m at a low 7000 feet, still in outstanding shape at 53 years old.

  • @saralynn6017 says:

    In Hudson, Keenesburg, Roggen, CO… very rural areas, there is a lot of obesity. The farmers and their families eat their meat that are fed Monsanto corn. Only GMO grain. Its all factory farms… no pasture raised. I also noticed the high use of hydrogenated oils like corn, soy, vegetable. A lot of the people are clueless about diet and there are only the small food markets in the area which only carry garbage, fake food. You have to travel further to find healthy alternatives. A lot of the elderly cant travel far, so they just stick with the fake food… and dont really know any better.

  • @randyjackson7962 says:

    @Drberg There’s also another thing that happened in the early 80’s with the American diet – the introduction & proliferation of high fructose corn syrup & hydrogenated oils. They made our soft drinks sweeter (and arguably more addictive) and shifted us away from natural fats like lard & butter.
    While I believe that some of Colorado’s laws are overreaching and borderline tyrannical, I applaud them for fighting and taxing these ingredients which are well known to contribute to the detriment of our health.

    Keep up the good fight, sir

    • @michaelbarry8373 says:

      Taxing these “ingredients” is wrong, big mistake. Why get rid of the “ingredient” if it now generates revenue? And if the “ingredient” goes away, you now have to make up for lost revenue.

    • @edemontfort9482 says:

      ​@@michaelbarry8373Right. Taxing it doesn’t make it go away. Get rid of the poisons and have a healthier, longer living population that will continue to consume.

    • @ksswanlady says:

      Thought I was eating something good for me when I was eating Highland yogurt, then I saw hfc on the label.😢

    • @Ayverie4 says:

      SO annoying to find corn syrup or “vegetable oil” on the label of a “health” product!!! Some things it’s impossible to find without it!

    • @randyjackson7962 says:

      There’s a “sin” tax on alcohol, nicotine, and tanning beds. Why isn’t there a sin tax for fast food and poisonous ingredients? The biggest, by far, expenditure of our federal health system is subsidies and entitlements. We have a LOT of sick Americans who chronically wreck their bodies by ingesting these ingredients and expect the medical staff to quickly “fix” them when they become hospitalized from cardiac/skeletal/mental issues that are almost beyond repair. Couple that with a poor nutritional education and a pill-for-everything mentality and in 3-4 decades, here we are…
      And they expect their taxes to cover the bills while lobbyists run rampant and politicians keep arguing over entitlements. Yes, it costs a lot more to eat healthier. Why is that? 🤔

      I’m red-blooded conservative through and through, but even I can admit that SOME regulation/restriction of ingredients is necessary and I believe the FDA’s job is to do just that: to restrict things that are known to contribute to a health epidemic. They have a schedule for drugs; they should have one for ingredients as well.

  • @gasmith7486 says:

    I’m low in D for sure. I was blaming genetics for my weight because my mom, aunt and grandma were all overweight at my age. But as I heard you talk about this and I suddenly realized that all three of them never left the house and got any sun!!!! Even though we’re in Florida!
    That’s it! I’m going to start getting out and getting some Vitamin D!

    • @florencemugure4203 says:

      And take cod liver oil…for vitamin D😂

    • @leawilsons2010 says:

      There actually can be a genetic factor like mutations that cause the body to not metabolize fat fully or efficiently. Also you can have a genetic mutation to not convert Sun to Vitamin D. This is me and I will have to take vitamin D everyday for my lifetime. So just know that the gene factor does exist and if you know what yours are, you can find out how to mitigate those issues.✌🏽

    • @allison471 says:

      ​@@leawilsons2010just a reminder, please make sure you take your vitamin D3 with K2,I also have to take for the rest of my life. I’ve been doing so for 12 years now since seeing a functional medicine Dr. and he put me on an Emulsified liquid drop of D3/K2 it’s excellent for keeping my levels up. It’s my understanding the Emulsified liquid drops bypass the liver so it can get into the cells faster by taking sublingualy 😊 Good luck to you!

    • @lsmith992 says:

      Its the same with me. All the women in my family held onto weight very easily and that’s the way it is. The men have no problem with xs weight whatsoever. But they are always work at physical jobs and are sports obsessives. I do take vit d , usually 10k per day and still have weight. I cycle everywhere. Love being outdoors. But still maybe 30 pounds overweight. Maybe that 10k isn’t enough.
      But I think that the gut biosphere is also a big problem and that something is missing.

    • @lilascharmante2712 says:

      Also, if they never leave the house, they never exercise. It’s much easier to gain weight like that. Walk after eating and go in the sun

  • @a.williams45 says:

    Fascinating information, Dr Berg. Thank you 🙏🏻🌞

  • @KaosRunes says:

    Here in the Appalachian mountains there’s a humongous consumption of junk food. West Virginia is the mountain dew capital and nothing goes well with mountain dew like more junk food apparently. I work at a grocery store and I see a lot of overweight people and 99% of the stuff in their carts is junk food. Coincidence? I think not.

    • @user-vv2wx4kc1k says:

      I live in the obeses country in Europe and was buying food in a supermarket and the cashier said my basket was the healthiest she had seen, we must be onto something

    • @KaosRunes says:

      @@user-vv2wx4kc1k that’s amazing that you are doing something right. We can’t control other people only ourselves. If they don’t want to eat healthy then that’s on them.

    • @J.o.e_K says:

      I’m a cart observer. (grin) 99% of the time, the cart contents reflect the size of the person pushing it.

    • @shweet7891 says:

      Hate junk food, YUCK

    • @guysumpthin2974 says:

      Swine consumption + white sugar

  • @thecrowbar5203 says:

    Altitude plays a huge part. Also most Coloradoans moved here for the outdoor sports. Mtn biking, hiking, sking & snowboarding brings in most.

    • @Macgee826 says:

      That’s exactly what I was going to say ,more outdoorsy types.

    • @CarbageMan says:

      The thing I observed with regard to the altitude is my hemoglobin is usually too high to give plasma. It’s apparently also why the cyclists train in the Rockies.

  • @ms.k7487 says:

    I’m thin and have always been. I live up north in Canada, but have noticed I’m much more motivated to get outside when the sun is shining! You see more people outside as the temperature gets warmer, too. I think people get more daily movement when it’s warmer and sunnier.

    • @SolutionsWithin says:

      That presents a paradox since you’re thin. Canadians are MUCH thinner than Americans in general, but Canada is much colder than most States, yet seemingly, per your point, Canadians would be staying inside because it’s cold and be getting fat. Unless I misunderstand you, Americans should be thinner because the US certainly sees more sunny days and warmer days than Canadians. I think the supper hot temperatures, especially due to climate change, cause people to stay indoors and get fat.

  • @williamh4172 says:

    We were also in the middle of the transition to high carb, ultra-processed foods in the 80s.

    • @michaelbarry8373 says:

      Thats probably the entire reason. Hight carb keeps the fat stored, survival, We evolved that way.

    • @kathleenking47 says:

      Also, drive thrus started in early 80s
      You could finish lots of calories driving before getting home

      Jack n the Bix, and A&w
      Had drive thrus
      Not mc Donald’s

    • @michellesmith5436 says:

      And the introduction of new sugar substitutes like Nutrasweet/aspartame which seem to make people fatter. There was saccharine before that in the 70s, but it wasn’t placed in foods, just a packet to add to coffee.

  • @ErinCRN says:

    I’ve lived in Colorado over 20 years. Plenty of obese people here. I’m a nurse too. Take care of plenty of obese people. Work with plenty of obese people. What about the Maasai people? They have very dark skin and are very thin.

    • @stephanekabelu2649 says:

      Because they live in an environment that’s suited for their skin tone. I don’t think most people with skin that dark are meant to live in the west long term.

    • @petermadany2779 says:

      The Masai spend a lot of time outdoors, wear relatively little clothes, and live near the equator therefore, they get plenty of UV radiation. Also, they consume a lot of animal-based food, including blood. 🩸

    • @SnoopyReads says:

      I’ve lived in 3 other states the past 10 years, and I noticed fewer obese people here in Colorado when I first moved to the mountains. Hundreds of people are out walking their dog daily. Tons of bikers and joggers, it’s a more active lifestyle here in general.

    • @spanishpeaches2930 says:

      The Masai don’t waste their time on crappy food. They are predominately meat eaters.

    • @Probity100 says:

      The Masai main diet is meat, milk, milk mixed with fresh cow blood once a day and herbs. They are also in the sun most day so have a lot of natural Vitamin D. They have the best teeth and bones, no obesity and extremely strong and beautiful smiles 🇰🇪

  • @jimchari3697 says:

    I used to live there. It’s because you have to walk uphill any direction you go.😊

  • @Dev_Havenwyck_Media says:

    This fascinating. I’m ten years older than you Doc, and when I grew up during the late 50’s and 60’s, I can only recall one fat person, a kid in school, and by today’s standards no one would notice him. There were many factors for our slenderness I believe; we only ate three meals a day with no snacks, junk food was reserved for holidays, we ate lots of eggs, butter and meat, we were not allowed to sit around and watch tv, PLUS we were made to play outside in ALL weather, and we walked to school and back. Also, where I lived we rode ponies and horses more than our bikes. Adults, seemed mostly to be hospitalized due to excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. Everyone seemed to smoke back then. I will get this book when it’s available though! Thanks!

    • @marryellenmonahan5585 says:

      So many additives to our foods are responsible and the american diet couldn’t be worse for your average consumer .

    • @breal7277 says:

      @@marryellenmonahan5585 Plus the dramatic increase of SUGAR consumption.

    • @koomo801 says:

      Same, but in some fairness to today’s youth, in the ’70s we didn’t have nearly child-free neighborhoods, the internet, smartphones, cable/streaming, video game consoles at home that people in the ’70s could only dream of, etc etc

    • @dhisufiroafrozenseraphimdragon says:

      You got to ride horses?! Sounds fun👍

    • @michellecurtis195 says:

      I definitely agree with you, the same I grew up in the 60s and there was only one fat girl I agree with you with the rest of your reasoning as well

  • @amygala1421 says:

    Thank you, I love watching your channel it is so informative and educational.. I’m learning so much and I do apply it in my everyday life. It has been such a game changer on my overall health..

  • @nogames8982 says:

    I’m from Colorado and I can tell you a few reasons why. Outdoor activities. People are always outside. Doesn’t matter what the weather is. Also they make it very easy to exercise there. The towns I lived in always had hundreds of miles of bike paths throughout the town. Every time a new subdivision was made the bike path was connected to it. You could ride your bike for hours and never cross the street because it was built-in. Kids were always out, riding their bikes, Running around. Many people rode their bikes to work. It was just ingrained in the every day life of people. I didn’t realize how much until I moved away from Colorado.

    • @breal7277 says:

      It sounds like a dream. What town is this?

    • @koomo801 says:

      I grew up in Littleton, same experience. Now living elsewhere, I have to ride a heavy (but comfortable) mountain bike so that the limited paths I can take can give me enough of a workout.

    • @David-qx8jm says:

      ​@@koomo801used to live in commerce city for about fifteen years. Practically lived on the bike trails they go everywhere. Always something to do outside.
      If there gov. wasn’t so screwed up I’d a never moved. Back to Tex.

    • @hisomebodytrackingmuch1309 says:

      ​@@David-qx8jm😂 lol. You moved to TX…now THAT is a screwed up government! Bye

    • @hisomebodytrackingmuch1309 says:

      ​@@breal7277it’s terribly overpopulated

  • @warriorson7979 says:

    Interesting fact:
    Colorado today has a higher obesity rate than what Alabama and Mississippi had in 1980…😒😔
    America getting fat FAST.

    • @MsQ275 says:

      if that’s true, that’s scary

    • @warriorson7979 says:

      Alabama was at 15% in 1980.
      Colorado, Hawaii and DC is today at 25%.

      Scary thing is that the definition of “obese” was actually relaxed somewhere in the 90s….so it’s actually worse than it seems.

    • @redheadedgypsy1939 says:

      fast food, sitting in front of computers/phones, no exercise……

    • @warriorson7979 says:

      Actually HFCS…
      The biggest part of the increase was a huge spike in the early 90s when the food companies began putting HFCS in everything instead of real sugar.

    • @barbarakauppi9915 says:

      @@warriorson7979 Very good point about that definition change. That old tactic of manipulating inconvenient data by merely moving the goal posts is as old as human corruption can see…

  • @Drberg says:

    Yes, I agree – there are fat people in Colorado. So we’re looking at averages of course.

    • @GimmeABReakd0wn says:

      I tried dating in Colorado for 6 years… If they’re the pinnacle of American health, we’re doomed 😆 Moved back home to KC and it’s somehow worse. I think the food industry has won their game, though there’s a nice trend of people waking up to whole foods like meat and the fact that they just want to keep us sick and unhealthy. A patient cured is a customer lost.

    • @matsfreedom says:

      Dumb people outnumber fat people. That’s our biggest problem. Sad, but true.

    • @RPRsChannel says:

      —> *_Quick question:_*
      *_Do you get Vitamin-D from (modern) sunbeds?_*

    • @ParallaxView111 says:

      Colorado isn’t that white, and there are fat people in Colorado. My kids’s piano teacher is probably 500lb. It gets cold here.

    • @emmacahill5502 says:

      ​@@RPRsChannelI was wondering the same 🙏

  • @Asalmon879 says:

    Thank you! Just ordered your vitamin D the other day. Starting my fitness journey all over again after a crazy homeless season. Gained weight, stressed myself out, all of the above. Time to heal!

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