Doctor Says: Eat Like A Squirrel!? | Nuts & Seeds Tier list | Gut Instincts

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Welcome to Gut Instincts! In this captivating video series, renowned health expert Dr. Gundry delves into the realm of everyday nuts and seeds, evaluating 20 popular options on a tier list according to their influence on gut health and overall well-being. Join Dr. Gundry as he shares his insights, tips, and recommendations to help you make informed choices for a healthier gut and lifestyle.
– Chapters –
00:00 Intro
01:02 Psylium Seeds
01:37 Poppy Seeds
02:04 Pine Nuts
02:39 Pili Nuts
03:06 Pecans
03:27 Sunflower Seeds
03:43 Macadamias
04:34 Chia Seeds
05:24 Sesame Seeds
05:42 Chestnuts
06:00 Walnuts
06:26 Almonds
06:53 Brazil Nuts
07:19 Cashews
07:53 Flax Seeds
08:52 Pistachios
09:30 Tiger Nuts
09:56 Pumpkin Seeds
10:06 Hazelnuts
10:31 Peanuts
10:58 Outro
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#Seeds #Nuts #Tierlist

Dave McKinnon

  • @susieinthecountry4434 says:

    you can add a lobster claw clasp for attaching to your purse or backpack♥

  • @MedinaCliff says:

    Can’t wait for Dr. Gumby.

  • @cb5528 says:

    let’s do a shot every time he says lectins !

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