How to Fix Severe Sciatica Pain at HOME

Discover how to get to the root of sciatica pain and take your recovery to the next level.


Videos on Sciatica:

Video on Collagen:

0:00 Introduction: How to relieve sciatica pain
0:45 Sciatica explained
2:18 Benefits of copper for inflammation and pain
4:30 Copper deficiency and sciatic pain
6:28 Copper deficiency causes
10:12 Natural remedies for sciatica pain
10:47 Foods rich in copper
11:10 Copper supplements
12:24 Make sure you can always find unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter!
12:46 Learn more about the best stretches for sciatica!

Let’s talk about how to fix sciatica pain. Sciatica is a problem with the sciatic nerve, which is the longest and largest nerve in the body. 90% of sciatica cases involve the discs in your spine.

Copper is used topically in many types of natural therapies for inflammation and pain. It’s also used for myeloneuropathy, which can lead to various nerve problems. In many cases, myeloneuropathy is caused by a copper deficiency.

Copper is very low-risk, non-toxic, and relatively inexpensive—it’s something many people can try.

One of the enzymes that greatly impacts sciatica is the same enzyme that uses copper as an essential cofactor for building collagen. 75% of the outer part of the discs in your spine are made out of collagen. Copper is also used in enzymes involving your nerves and is essential for many other bodily functions.

Top causes of copper deficiency:
• A lack of copper in the diet
• Intense physical exercise (especially at higher altitudes)
• Taking a lot of zinc, iron, potassium, or niacin without also taking copper
• Consuming enriched flour products
• Consuming fluoride from tap water
• Taking high amounts of ascorbic acid
• Excessive sweating
• Sun tanning too often
• Stress, high levels of DHEA, or high levels of cortisol
• Consuming distilled water
• Gastric bypass surgery
• Consuming too much sugar, coffee, alcohol, or aspartame

A genetic problem with copper absorption can also lead to a deficiency in copper.

A copper brace that wraps around the buttocks where the sciatic nerve is or other topical copper remedies may be beneficial for sciatic nerve pain. But ensuring you’re getting enough copper from your diet is also essential.

Foods high in copper include:
1. Liver
2. Oysters
3. Shellfish
4. Dark chocolate (sugar-free)
5. Cashews
6. Meat

You may also want to consider taking a copper supplement. Remember that if you have a genetic issue related to copper, you may need to take copper supplements in higher amounts.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the best natural ways to get rid of sciatica pain. I’ll see you in the next video.

Dave McKinnon

  • Cawke Cabdirahmaan says:

    You’re so kind, thanks DR❤

  • Oldworldsoul 🕌 says:

    Speaking truth about organisations😂you’re the only doctor I’ll go to Dr Berg❤️

  • Tiwi Dub says:

    Great video again, Doc, just on time for me… Thanks a lot. Good job as usual. Very clear explaination. ❤❤❤

  • Cat Lola & Co. says:

    Amazing information. Thank you Dr Berg. Using a lot of your information with my clients and getting BEST results natural healthy way. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • Daisy Jane Duke says:

    Thank you! I have sciatica pain in my left butt cheek to the point that it’s hard to sit down for any length of time plus carpel tunnel is both arms – the right being the worse. Walking is painful too. Myofascial therapy works for a short period of time. I am athletic and I push through the pain but I am tired of it. So I have ordered copper supplements, a copper bracelet, and moving the beef liver out of the freezer to cook tomorrow. Fingers crossed! Thanks for the info, I always find your stuff very helpful.

  • fidel catsro says:

    Top causes of copper deficiency:
    • A lack of copper in the diet
    • Intense physical exercise (especially at higher altitudes)
    • Taking a lot of zinc, iron, potassium, or niacin without also taking copper
    • Consuming enriched flour products
    • Consuming fluoride from tap water
    • Taking high amounts of ascorbic acid
    • Excessive sweating
    • Sun tanning too often
    • Stress, high levels of DHEA, or high levels of cortisol
    • Consuming distilled water
    • Gastric bypass surgery
    • Consuming too much sugar, coffee, alcohol, or aspartame

    A genetic problem with copper absorption can also lead to a deficiency in copper.

    A copper brace that wraps around the buttocks where the sciatic nerve is or other topical copper remedies may be beneficial for sciatic nerve pain. But ensuring you’re getting enough copper from your diet is also essential.

    Foods high in copper include:
    1. Liver
    2. Oysters
    3. Shellfish
    4. Dark chocolate (sugar-free)
    5. Cashews
    6. Meat

    Thank you Dr Berg!

  • Clayton Allison says:

    I had sciatica real bad and almost considered a minimally invasive (lol) surgery.
    Then I heard about yoga and the “half pigeon” pose helped a lot, but like was mentioned it keeps coming back.
    A lot of great info to work on here today Dr Berg; thank you so much

  • You can't handle the truth! says:

    This is one of my last major issues… I’ve been watching and implementing Dr. Berg’s advice/research for nearly 2 years. I’ve been fasting, cut sugar/ultra processed foods, daily cold therapy, only nasal breath, eat organic… Unfortunately, I can’t drive for more than 2 hours without Sciatic pain. Thanks for the information!

  • Sweet Caroline Pa Pa Pa says:

    In my native country, yellow coins that were made before 1955 (don’t hold me on year, I have a few numbers in my head)were made out of pure copper. So my grandma would tape(bandade) coins to her back.😊

  • Azhar Mir says:

    World’s most calm and affordable Doctor ❤.

  • Peter Kisidaj says:

    Thank you so much Dr. Berg for sharing this. I’ve got 2 BULGING Discs, L4/L5 and L5/S1 touching sciatic nerve, had 3 months ago troubles with that for couple of weeks, couldn;t even sleep during lots of nights as felt pain on the leg and primarily when was in a lying position. Started to focuse on specific exercises/stretching focused on core and glutes as I’m runner pretty active, running a lot, half marathons, marathons. Adn haven’t been aware of this that COPPER defficiency can make or lead to sciatica! So maybe lact of copper is one of the reasons in my case. Really great to know. Very appreciated. Question: which kind of copper is the best to try supplement? chelated form? copper gluconate or bisglycinate? Thanks a lot.

  • Alec Ogden says:

    If the “sciatica” is localised in the butt cheek, and if the straight leg raise test is negative, then it’s probably piriformis syndrome, in which case the cure would be to stretch and strengthen the hips, especially the opposite hip that the pain is on. The gluteus maximus and medius typically need to be strengthened, whilst the piriformis needs to be relaxed via hip external and internal rotation stretches.

  • mekman4 says:

    This is well timed and incredibly exciting! I was just watching your previous video on copper and I’m buying _everything_ you suggested in both videos.

    I don’t seem to have a problem with my sciatic nerve (thankfully) but I am interested in the benefits of copper since the magnesium and potassium have worked out so well!

    Thank you! Always!

    This is very much appreciated!

  • Zippitydoodah says:

    Timely information . . . . it’s like you have your finger on the pulse of many of your viewers and understand what they need to hear. You and your Team do a wonderful job. Thank you to you all.

  • Jack Benimble says:

    Thank you Dr Berg, I learned a lot from this video! People without sciatica need to watch this to learn the physiology involved and keep their body tuned. Thanks again for all your research and imparting your experience to us.

  • Sara Pixel Pixie says:

    I watch all your videos Dr Berg and you’re amazing, thank you for the amazing info you share with us. I was wondering if you can do a video on cervical radiculopathy and lower limb radiculopathy. I have both and I take 100mg of amitriptyline a day which helps enough so I don’t want to chop my whole arm off. I would love some alternative treatments. I also am a medical cannabis user and it does work well for my other pain issues but not so much for the extreme nerve pain I get.

  • A O'B says:

    I had sciatica when pregnant with my first child. It disappeared after he was born. It was incredibly painful. Thank you Dr. Berg.

  • Winning Victory says:

    Very grateful to
    Dr. Berg for this invaluable and educating information regarding the natural treatments/remedies for Sciatic pain!
    I used to do long distance driving and I always had my thick wallet in my back pants pockets and not realizing that was causing my flare ups.
    The stretching absolutely helps!
    Dr. Berg is humanitarian awesome!

  • Dominick Carlson says:

    I’ve been chasing knee, sciatic nerve pain, and lower back pain for months. Recently I discovered that my hips are VERY weak and my internal rotation one the painful side is VERY poor. Less than 48 hours after starting exercises and my sciatic pain is GONE! Strengthen your hips people!

  • RichH says:

    As always, very good advice by Dr.Berg. 
    Have HAD ‘severe’ sciatica for several years. (have diagnosed spinal ‘stenosis’ via MRI.) but not a candidate for surgery due to other medical reasons.  
    My solution that has ‘relieved’ my sciatica was to “restore” my posture and ‘shape/curve’ of my lower spine by the semi-constant use of an orthodpedic lumbar pillow – a semi circular foam pillow at about 4″ maximum with a ‘belly strap’. I use it for sitting (never slouching!!), when driving my vehicle, and sleeping. The ‘posture’ restoration has releived my siciatica by 95+%.  
    I also self medicate with alpha-Lipoic acid, bio-available B-Complex & magnesium(taurate). Plus, I had my primary care physician prescibe a total vitamin and mineral, etc. blood testing – and then corrected most all apparent deficiencies. My Copper ‘balance’ was OK, as I eat a lot of shellfish – mussels, etc. .  Most healthcare insurance will pay for such detailed blood testing … under their ‘wellness and PREVENTION” portion of their policies.

    The discussion of ‘balance’ of micro-nutrients, etc., I feel, is very and vitally important — worked for me, as I am slowly and determinedly returning towards being an active life-long ‘extreme athlete’, even at my ‘advanced’ age !!!!!

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