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Tag Archives for " cardamom "

Breathe Easy…Chew on This for Clear Healthy Lungs! Dr. Mandell

Cardamom has an active ingredient called cineole, which is antimicrobial and antiseptic and helps prevent any bacterial infection that could affect the lungs directly or indirectly. This is particularly useful for individuals who are asthmatic, suffer from bronchitis, pneumonia, and other respiratory conditions. Please subscribe so you and your family can stay healthy and happy. […]

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Sip This Spice…Change Your Life! Dr. Mandell

Cardamom, often referred to as the "Queen of Spices," boasts an impressive array of health benefits that can positively impact the body in numerous ways. This aromatic spice is rich in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and neutralize harmful free radicals, thereby promoting overall health and potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Cardamom […]

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