Evidence-Based Weight Loss: Live Presentation

In his newest live presentation from 2019, Dr. Greger offers a sneak peek into his new book How Not to Diet, which hones in on the optimal criteria to enable weight loss while considering how these foods actually affect our health and longevity.

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I’m so excited to be bringing you my new live presentation!

I used to do annual reviews of the medical literature, but that was before the success of How Not to Die ( ). Realizing just how many people (and in 33 languages!) I’m now able to reach with my books, I set out to write a new book every three years. The downside is that now I’m just barely able to keep up making new videos for NutritionFacts.org and so I just have time to create one new presentation per book. This one, I am proud to announce, is based on my upcoming book How Not to Diet ( ), which comes out next month.

If you find this presentation helpful, please share it with others by sharing the link to this page.

And if you want to be among the first to grab my new book, please consider pre-ordering How Not to Diet to help me bump it high on the bestseller list the week it launches in hopes of exposing more people to evidence-based weight loss.

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the NutritionFacts.org team will try to answer it.
UPDATE: We are currently testing the removal of the comment section across all video pages on the NutritionFacts.org website until October, and it will either be reinstated thereafter or removed permanently based on the results. Please feel free to continue your discussions by commenting on our YouTube channel and social media accounts, where we will have Health Support volunteers available to address questions.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at . You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgments for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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0:00 Introduction
4:43 Calorie density
11:24 Added fat
13:56 Water-rich foods
16:07 Negative calorie preloading
19:58 Vinegar with each meal
24:25 Spices for weight loss
28:17 Fiber-rich foods
31:04 Fat-blocking thylakoids
35:12 Feeding our gut flora
41:45 Insulin resistance and BCAAs
45:03 Walling off calories
47:26 Optimal weight-loss diet
53:26 Circadian rhythms
55:39 Fasting and the keto diet
57:29 Healthy weight loss

Dave McKinnon

  • NutritionFacts.org says:

    ​Hi all! Thank you for watching. I see some questions about this – this is the premiere of Dr. Greger’s newest presentation, which he delivered live, but this is a recording. -Kate, NF Team

  • Viclimay says:

    Putting this together was a lot of work. Thanks for your efforts. Can’t wait for the print book to pass it on to my non-whole-food-Vegan family members.

  • Kristin Peek says:

    I love your work, Dr. Greger, you are a hero to all of us who want to be healthy!

  • NutritionFacts.org says:

    It’s been a couple of years since I released a video of my live presentation. I hope you enjoyed in this one! You can pre-order How Not to Diet here – https://nutritionfacts.org/how-not-to-diet.

  • Lance says:

    Took me 2 hours to watch this, I took down notes and sent my wife messages of things we have to adjust on our Vegan diet. Thanks Dr. Greger, we’ll purchase your book and read more !

  • Jakub Jezovic says:

    We need more Dr. Gregers in the world!

    • Valerie Tomsic says:

      I *LOVE* him and his message and there are many others out there putting out the information too! I’m 62 and I feel like I’m 32! I”ve been plant-strong since 2010…lost my brother AND father to colon cancer…one of the most preventable cancers!

    • JCBucketDude says:

      Valerie Tomsic I lost my grandmother recently and the doctors observed that her arteries were clogged beyond belief. She always ate meats of all types, and not a lot of fruits and vegetables. It was the sum of her lifestyle but it bugs me to know that it could’ve been avoided or possibly reversed. I’m glad I found Dr. Greger as it’s made me more conscious of evidence-based nutrition and the pursuit of optimizing diet.

    • David Fisher says:

      Jakub, we’ll have to live with just the one as there will never be another.

    • A dorable says:

      No, we just need more people to listen to him.

    • Bryant E says:

      I’m on my way to medical school and he’s one of my biggest role models 🙂

  • Aloha From HH says:

    Thank you Dr Greger! I was vegan for 20 years and had tons of health issues (due to years of childhood trauma and low omega 3, high oxalate, high omega 6 as well as low K2/D3, low B12). Better educated now, thanks to you back to vegan in a healthier way, and doing much better. You are a true hero. Thank you!!

  • Nikolay A says:

    You are a phenomenal human being. Thanks so much for everything that you do! The world is way better with you in it Dr Greger.

  • SV says:

    May everyone find something in life that they feel as passionate about as Dr Greger does about nutrition 😊

  • birkins1 says:

    One day I’d like to meet you dr Greger to thank you in person for saving my life. Thanks to your advice I lost 112 pounds and have never been healthier, I’m the person I always wanted to be but never believed I could be. Thank you 🙏

  • Gary Lewis says:

    Super fabulous. Plant-based whole food for nine months now, 50 pounds less and killing it in the gym. At 65, I look better than I did when I was 30. Your How Not to Die lectures sure set me straight with both heart disease and cancer in my family. I shared with many and they are now vegan. I’m sharing this with friends and relatives who need to get their diet together before it’s too late. Thanks again. Thanks for improving my life so much!!!

  • Brandon Miller says:

    How Not To Diet Table of Contents: 10:05, 21 Tweaks: 22:28, Daily Dozen: 34:04, Bacteria: 35:27, Meat: 39:15, Branched-Chain Amino Acid: 42:45, Wall Off Your Calories: 45:12, Anti-scientific Darwinian Evolution fairy tale interlude: 46:36, Circadian Rhythm 53:53, Sleep Effect on fat loss: 54:47, Keto Diet: 56:30
    The BROAD Diet: 47:50
    Calorie Density: 5:56 (Charts: 7:00, 10:24), Water-Rich foods: 15:34
    AMPK/Vinegar: 19:58
    Black Cumin Seeds: 25:15, Cayenne Pepper : 27:47, Ginger Powder: 27:58, Goji Berries: 23:38, Garlic: 24:36, Regular Cumin: 26:46
    Fiber: 29:00, Thylakoids: 31:11, Ileal Break: 32:09
    *Studies*: Water Density Experiment at Penn State: 16:08

  • ** says:

    You are a genuinely decent human being, caring about others and using your intelligence and money to help change the world.

  • Greg Johnston says:

    I’ve never encountered a person who could present useful scientific data in such an easy to digest manner. Interesting, useful, entertaining and lifesaving are all words I can use to describe Dr. Greger’s presentations. March on sir, march on.

  • Rosie Jean says:

    Thank you for your drive and passion. You are America’s Doctor!! I’ve lost 30 pounds and all my ailments are gone, yes I said GONE! Joint pain, RLS, migraines, digestive problems, fibromyalgia, stress, hair loss, hormone inbalance……..best thing I ever did for myself was going whole food plant based. You’ve been my guiding light, thank you Dr. Greger.

  • Mark Brakebill says:

    I am now officially a”Nutritarian” eating WFPB diet. Planning to get some nutrition classes and possibly certification to help others learn how to help themselves and others. Thank you Dr Greger for helping us open our eyes 👀 and minds.

  • Jonny says:

    I’m a healthy weight, been vegan for years, when I first went vegan I couldn’t believe how much better I felt already. After recently finding your work and improving the foundations of my diet I am gobsmacked by how much you’ve improved my physical and mental state with little effort. Starting every morning with a bowl of oats, banana, nuts, seeds, berries and flaxseed has changed my entire approach to food throughout the day. I literally don’t crave snacks or feel hungry until at least lunch, giving me time and energy to prepare another nutritious meal, accumulating even more benefits!

  • Karen Rosas says:

    Immediatly fired my dietician after reading your books, she said there was no way I could lose weight eating beans, more than 2 portions of fruit, whole grains and without meat, she basically starved me into a keto diet and protein suplements without telling the actual truth, maybe she didnt know or maybe she preferred the bigger commision from the “healthy snack and protein” company that sponsored her

    • Annette J says:

      Interesting. Was she an RD? I’m an RD and her recommendations doesn’t seem to align with our practice.

    • Irina T says:

      @Annette J agreed! Why would any licensed RDN recommend a Keto diet unless there is a medical necessity? Makes me think she was not who she was pretending to be

    • K m says:

      I too was recommended a keto very low carb diet from my doctor insisting I take in 100 grams of protein a day! WTH I am vegan and he was totally against it no matter what I said how I felt after two three months being solely a vegan. I had severe ibs prior daily pain every day. Among other daily problems that immediately went away eating wfpb then switched to a complete vegan diet.

    • Betsy Smucker says:

      Your digestive system is meant to eat meat, not vegetation. It’s the reason your ancestors had to ferment vegetables in order to get ant nutrients out of them. MEAT is your only option for true nutrients. We are not cows with multiple stomachs and we don’t regurgitate our food either.

    • I am the bad wolf says:

      @Betsy Smuckerboth research and my personal life experience prove you wrong.

  • Rod P says:

    0:00 Introduction
    4:43 Calorie density
    11:24 Added fat
    13:56 Water-rich foods
    16:07 Negative calorie preloading
    19:58 Vinegar with each meal
    24:25 Spices for weight loss
    28:17 Fiber-rich foods
    31:04 Fat-blocking thylakoids
    35:12 Feeding our gut flora
    41:45 Insulin resistance and BCAAs
    45:03 Walling off calories
    47:26 Optimal weight-loss diet
    53:26 Circadian rhythms
    55:39 Fasting and the keto diet
    57:29 Healthy weight loss -video description

  • Ollerton MD says:

    I’m a doctor and had to essentially learn myself how to lose weight as education on nutrition and exercise science takes up a trivial amount of time in med school.
    For me, eating a vegetarian diet and exercising while pairing the exercise with a habit I already had (watching Netflix) made all the difference. I went from nearly 240 to 195 and acid reflux, sleep apnea, and joint pain are all essentially gone.

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