When Calories Go Down, Weight Goes Up?

There are several different schools of thought behind obesity and metabolic dysfunction, for example, the energy balance model or “calories-in, calories-out” perspective that many people have felt fooled by. While calories certainly are one piece, there is much more to the puzzle of weight management and metabolic health, like hormonal cascades and oxidative stress.

How we eat impacts every aspect of our biology and we’re continuing to learn the multitude of mechanisms influencing our metabolic health and weight.

My recent rich conversation on The Doctor’s Farmacy with Dr. Robert Lustig is a helpful window into all this and more. We dive into the truth about calories, the importance of glucose and insulin monitoring, and much more.

Find the episode on your favorite podcast app.

Dave McKinnon

  • @mbe2916 says:

    If you limit the amount of food and increase excersice. It will work for a while, but if you do to much. You have successfully simulated famine and hardships. To which the best survival strategy is to increase your energy stores(fat).

  • @notabotiswear says:

    The supersize meals would beg to differ

  • @ericbartlein8819 says:

    Except people dont move as much as they use too…the calories can go down and gain weight if you dont exverise or move…

  • @jonhoffman2513 says:

    I love when Dr. Hyman said “depends on how you define sugar“! That is exactly true!

  • @NamelessProducts says:

    According to the pew research center we 23% more calories today than we did in 1970.

    Don’t get your info from YouTube shorts

  • @salvatorethomas9546 says:

    How about the fact that so many people are inert.
    Looking at their phone or on a computer.

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